
I want to draw the outline of a circle (it's actually the glyph period from Cascadia Code font):

points = {
Graphics /@ {
    PointSize[0.02], Point @ Flatten[points, 1],
    BezierCurve /@ points,
    Opacity[0.2, Blue], FilledCurve[BezierCurve /@ points]
    PointSize[0.02], Point @ Flatten[points, 1],
    BSplineCurve /@ points,
    Opacity[0.2, Red], FilledCurve[BSplineCurve /@ points]
} // GraphicsRow

enter image description here

  • Black "circle": drawn by BezierCurve or BSplineCurve
  • Blue region: FilledCurve @ BezierCurve
  • Red region: FilledCurve @ BSplineCurve

Why the curve and the filled region do no fit whether I use BezierCurve or BSplineCurve?

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ The BezierCurve corners make sense because it's actually a collection of splines glued together in a C0 continuous way. BSplineCurve looks smoother because they're joined in a C2 continuous way. There is unfortunately no way to make an exact circle with these splines - but you can get close - look at this answer stackoverflow.com/questions/1734745/… $\endgroup$
    – flinty
    Commented Jun 1, 2020 at 14:38
  • $\begingroup$ @flinty I know that the circle can't be represented exactly by Bezier curves. But my question is that why the filled region and the enclosed curve do not fit? $\endgroup$
    – stone-zeng
    Commented Jun 1, 2020 at 14:41
  • 5
    $\begingroup$ Did you read the docs for FilledCurve[]? Try omitting the first point of the second, third, and fourth set of control points before feeding to FilledCurve[]: Graphics[{PointSize[0.02], Point @ Flatten[points, 1], BezierCurve /@ points, Opacity[0.2, Blue], FilledCurve[BezierCurve /@ Join[{First[points]}, Drop[points, 1, 1]]]}] $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 1, 2020 at 15:07
  • $\begingroup$ @J.M. Oh really thank you for your comment! It works perfectly. $\endgroup$
    – stone-zeng
    Commented Jun 1, 2020 at 15:12

1 Answer 1


Filling in an answer from @J.M.'s comment:

Did you read the docs for FilledCurve[]? Try omitting the first point of the second, third, and fourth set of control points before feeding to FilledCurve[]: Graphics[{PointSize[0.02], Point @ Flatten[points, 1], BezierCurve /@ points, Opacity[0.2, Blue], FilledCurve[BezierCurve /@ Join[{First[points]}, Drop[points, 1, 1]]]}] – J. M. can't deal with it♦ Jun 1, 2020 at 15:07

points = {{{600., -20.}, {518., -20.}, {452., 46.}, {452., 128.}},
   {{452., 128.}, {452., 210.}, {518., 276.}, {600., 276.}},
   {{600., 276.}, {682., 276.}, {748., 210.}, {748., 128.}},
   {{748., 128.}, {748., 46.}, {682., -20.}, {600., -20.}}};
Graphics[{PointSize[0.02], Point@Flatten[points, 1], 
  BezierCurve /@ points, Opacity[0.2, Blue], 
   BezierCurve /@ Join[{First[points]}, Drop[points, 1, 1]]]}]

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