Continuing the topic of my previous questions (link1 and link2), let me ask one more question.
I have problems with the following code:
SetAttributes[R, HoldAll]
SetAttributes[P, HoldAll]
Q[r_, f_, s0_] := Q[r, f, s0] = F[r, s0] D[f[s0], s0]
R[r_, f_[q_, g_, s0_], s0_] := F[r, s0] (r R[r - 1, f[q, g, s0], s0] + P[r - 1, f[q, g, s0], s0])
P[r_, f_[q_, g_, s0_], s0_] := F[r, s0] (r R[r - 1, f[q, g, s0], s0] - P[r - 1, f[q, g, s0], s0])
R[1, f_[q_, g_, s0_], s0_] := D[f[q, g, s0], s0]
P[1, f_[q_, g_, s0_], s0_] := 0
where functions R and P are defined via recursive relationship.
When I'm calling the following command:
R[1, Q[1, f, s0], s0]
I'm obtaining correct answer. However, when I'm calling the following:
R[2, Q[1, f, s0], s0]
it gives me an error of $RecursionLimit.
Could you help me please with fixing this problem? I will appreciate any help!