In my recent answer to How can one expand an arbitrary boolean combination into the $2^n$ atoms of the associated boolean algebra of size $2^{2^n}$?, for the eight atoms
{G[0],G[1],G[2],G[3],G[4],G[5],G[6],G[7]}}= {A && B && C, ! A && B && C, A && ! B && C, A && B && ! C, ! A && ! B && C, ! A && B && ! C, A && ! B && ! C, ! A && ! B && ! C}
of the 256-dimensional Boolean algebra {A,B,C}, I gave the formulas
{G[0] -> 2/121, G[1] -> (4 (-1311 + 242 Sqrt[3] \[Pi]))/9801, G[2] -> -1/(12741300 Log[9]) (6370650 Sqrt[3] Log[2] - 1572357 Log[9] - 629200 Sqrt[3] \[Pi] Log[9] + 78650 Sqrt[3] Log[9] Log[97 + 56 Sqrt[3]]), G[3] -> -((26325 Sqrt[3] Log[2] - 47454 Log[9] + 2600 Sqrt[3] \[Pi] Log[9] - 325 Sqrt[3] Log[9] Log[97 + 56 Sqrt[3]])/(52650 Log[9])), G[4] -> -1/(12741300 Log[9]) (-6370650 Sqrt[3] Log[2] - 5034243 Log[9] + 629200 Sqrt[3] \[Pi] Log[9] - 78650 Sqrt[3] Log[9] Log[97 + 56 Sqrt[3]]), G[5] -> -((-26325 Sqrt[3] Log[2] + 2604 Log[9] + 2600 Sqrt[3] \[Pi] Log[9] - 325 Sqrt[3] Log[9] Log[97 + 56 Sqrt[3]])/(52650 Log[9])), G[6] -> -1/( 6370650 Log[9]) (-3185325 Sqrt[3] Log[2] - 420384 Log[9] + 314600 Sqrt[3] \[Pi] Log[9] + 39325 Sqrt[3] Log[9] Log[97 + 56 Sqrt[3]]), G[7] -> -(1/(6370650 Log[9])) (3185325 Sqrt[3] Log[2] - 523416 Log[9]-314600 Sqrt[3] \[Pi] Log[9] +
39325 Sqrt[3] Log[9] Log[97 + 56 Sqrt[3]])}
or, approximately,
{G[0] -> 0.01652892561983471, G[1] -> 0.002374589708822430, G[2] -> 0.06259481828891220,G[3] -> 0.4157208527407065, G[4] -> 0.4559237002296063, G[5] -> 0.01135281656781356, G[6] -> 0.01415526980118329, G[7] -> 0.02134902704312096}
(The sum of these eight equals 1.)
Can one construct a Venn diagram (or other graphic representation) faithfully (or as "best as possible") depicting the relations between the three sets?
To further emphasize the "best as possible" remark, I am essentially initially asking here for a two-dimensional/planar representation of the (boolean) relations between the three sets.
However, actually, the three sets, in fact, all sit in a three-dimensional space/cube {Q1,Q2,Q3} $\in [0,1]^3$, with the (tetrahedral, I've been told) constraint,
Q1 > 0 && Q2 > 0 && Q3 > 0 && Q1 + 3 Q2 + 2 Q3 < 1 .
Now, A satisfies the further constraint,
(65536 (Q1 - Q3)^12 (1 - 9 Q2 - 6 Q3 +
3 (Q1^2 + 9 Q2^2 + 6 Q2 Q3 + 4 Q3^2 +
Q1 (-1 + 3 Q2 + 4 Q3)))^2)/43046721 > (2^(28)/(3^(16) 7^(14)))/1638
B, the further constraint,
(4 Sqrt[(Q1 - Q3)^2] +
4/3 Sqrt[
1 - 9 Q2 - 6 Q3 +
3 (Q1^2 + 9 Q2^2 + 6 Q2 Q3 + 4 Q3^2 +
Q1 (-1 + 3 Q2 + 4 Q3))])^2 > 16/9
and C, the further constraint,
Q1^2 + 3 Q1 Q2 + (3 Q2 + Q3)^2 < 3 Q2 + 2 Q1 Q3
So, possibly one must rely upon RegionPlot3D for a faithful representation. That being the case, how can best can one portray the relations among the sets? There are disconnections/non-contiguities--so any faithful representation might be quite "messy".