I need to evaluate the following Mathematica code to get a numerical value as my output. But during compilation I get the error message
NumericalMath`FixedPrecisionEvaluate::precbd: Requested precision ∞ is not a machine-sized real number between \$MinPrecision and $MaxPrecision.
Could anyone please help me to solve this issue.
This is my code:
ee = Integrate[
(x - y)^(-(α - 1) - 1) ((y^(3))*(
Sum[((Exp[I*1])*(1 - Exp[y *I*(λ)^s] ))/λ^(s*(2 - d)), {s, -20, 20}])),
{y, 0, x}];
ew = D[ee / Gamma[-(α - 1)], {x, 1}] /. x -> 1 /. λ -> 3 /. d -> 1.5 /. α -> 0.6
Thanks in advance