I'm trying to get a piecewise linear best-fit for the closing price of one of the stocks I'm interested in. The logic seems ok, and the workflow works for a straight-line (ie 2 pts, ie 1 segment) regression (actually NMinimize)... but if I increase the the number of variables to solve for, it breaks and complains about "abscissa"... the code is below with the comments. Also here is the data file . Can you help me figure out whats wrong? (also here is the nb file in case you need it).
In[120]:= (d =
Import["data_out.txt", "CSV"]);
In[121]:= d =
d[[4533 ;; 4922,
5]]; (*get close price data for 14-may from the dataset*)
In[122]:= d =
Flatten[{Table[i, {i, 390}],
d}, {2}]; (*add an index for the price ie 1-390 data pts*)
In[123]:= (* create objective function to minimize:
1. piecewise linear interpoltion function takes a set of points "p"
2. applies function to the index
3. subtracts the close price
4. squares the diffrenence
5. sum
6. root *)
e[p_] := Total[(Interpolation[p, InterpolationOrder -> 1]@
d[[All, 1]] - d[[All, 2]])^2]^0.5
In[125]:= (*this is the solution i got using excel solver*)
excelsolution = {{1, 32.69967765}, {28.16280834,
31.37817608}, {108.0001043, 32.75429029}, {135.5658831,
31.7584233}, {299.8762066, 32.76192525}, {390, 32.88427106}};
In[127]:= e[excelsolution]
Out[127]= 2.13146
In[128]:= ListPlot[{d, excelsolution}, Joined -> {False, True},
PlotMarkers -> {{Automatic, Tiny}, {Automatic, Small}}] (* run to see it *)
Out[128]= (*graphics pasted above*)
In[129]:= (*this works*)
In[130]:= NMinimize[
e[{{1, y0}, {390, y390}}],
31.5 <= y0 <= 33 && 31.5 <= y390 <= 33
{y0, y390},
Method -> "DifferentialEvolution"
Out[130]= {5.51241, {y0 -> 31.7968, y390 -> 32.8737}}
In[131]:= (*but this doesn't work when i increase the number of \
In[132]:= NMinimize[
e[{{1, y0}, {x1, y1}, {390, y390}}],
31.5` <= y0 <= 33 && 1 <= x1 <= 390 && 31.5` <= y1 <= 33 &&
31.5` <= y390 <= 33
{y0, x1, y1, y390},
Method -> "DifferentialEvolution"
During evaluation of In[132]:= Interpolation::indat: Data point {x1,y1} contains abscissa x1, which is not a real number.
During evaluation of In[132]:= Interpolation::indat: Data point {x1,y1} contains abscissa x1, which is not a real number.
During evaluation of In[132]:= Interpolation::indat: Data point {x1,y1} contains abscissa x1, which is not a real number.
During evaluation of In[132]:= General::stop: Further output of Interpolation::indat will be suppressed during this calculation.
During evaluation of In[132]:= NMinimize::nnum: The function value {10.8271,10.8107,10.7944,10.7781,10.7618,10.7456,10.7294,10.7133,<<35>>,10.157,10.1423,10.1276,10.113,10.0984,10.0839,10.0694,<<340>>} is not a number at {x1,y0,y1,y390} = {285.476,32.6896,32.3246,32.9648}.