I have a list of points. I would like to take these points and create a mesh of triangles from them, making sure triangles don't overlap. So here's a list of points:
p0 = Transpose[{RandomReal[{0, 10}, {100}], RandomReal[{0, 12}, {100}]}];
Now I've managed to take the first point in the list, find its two nearest neighbours and construct a triangle from this:
Graphics[{Thick, Red, Line[Append[Nearest[p0, p0[[1, All]], 3], p0[[1, All]]]]}]
What I'd not like to do is from this starting point keep connecting points to make a mesh where all the triangle corners are at one of the points and no triangles overlap. Any suggestions on how to do this?
--Below may be irrelevant--
I imagine DelaunayTriangulation
might come into this, however I'm not sure how. Also when I run it I don't understand what it returns:
DelaunayTriangulation[p0] // MatrixForm