Here is a relative simple way to do it.
Plot[x, {x, 2000, 5000},
PlotRange -> {{2000, 5000}, {2000, 5000}},
LabelStyle -> {20, Black, Bold},
Ticks ->
{{#, Column[{"", #}, Spacings -> 0]} & /@ Range[2000, 5000, 500], Automatic},
ImageSize -> Large]
The following is added to address concerns raised by the OP in a comment to this answer.
To do what you ask for, you have to explicitly specify the length of the major and minor ticks and give the option ImageSize
to Columnn
. Like so:
Plot[x, {x, 2000, 5000},
PlotRange -> {{2000, 5000}, {2000, 5000}},
LabelStyle -> {20, Black, Bold},
Ticks ->
{If[Mod[#, 500] == 0,
{#, Column[{#}, ItemSize -> {Automatic, 1.5}], {.0075, 0}},
{#, "", {.005, .0}}] & /@ Range[2000, 5000, 100],
ImageSize -> Large]
(or just search the docs for MaTeX and there are link to this tutorial at the end of most reference pages). Sorry, I do not have this text in a format independent of the package. The main idea is to prepare figures to a known size. E.g., you decide you want it 8 cm wide (because you verified that this matches the page format that your target journal uses). $\endgroup$