I want to plot a binary tree
The solution I will present is specifically for visualization. It is not for constructing a data structure usable as a binary tree.
The following makes use of IGExpressionTree
from my IGraph/M package, version 0.4 of which is compatible with Mathematica 10.0 and later. Something similar could be implemented with ExpressionGraph
, available in Mathematica 12.1 and later only.
i = 0;
makeVertex[] := RandomChoice@CharacterRange["a", "z"] <> IntegerString[i++]
treeNode[] := If[RandomReal[] > 1/2, makeVertex[], Null]
i = 0;
tree = FixedPoint[
Replace[#, s_String :> s[treeNode[], treeNode[]], {-1}] &,
g = IGExpressionTree[tree];
First /@ IGVertexProp[VertexLabels][g],
GraphHighlightStyle -> "DehighlightHide"
And the label of each node is a randomly chosen letter followed by the order in which that node was added
does this.
whether a node has a left child or a right child or both, will be determined by a rule
This is the rule: s_String :> s[treeNode[], treeNode[]]
. treeNode[]
has a 50% change of being Null
, which I used to represent no vertex. More precisely, no children will be added to Null
, and it will be present in the final tree, but hidden. This is necessary to ensure that left/right children are drawn leftwards/rightwards, even if there is just one of them.
generates convenient vertex labels for us. We use these to identify which vertex is Null
, and therefore needs to be hidden. IGExpressionTree
wraps vertex labels in HoldForm
, which is why we need First
in First /@ IGVertexProp[VertexLabels][g]