DistributionChart does not show entries for sublists containing only one element. Although I can understand why this would be reasonable (there's no "distribution" of a single element), it seems that at least some of the display options such as "PointDensity" should at least plot the points in question.
For example:
data = {{39.}, {82.}, {97., 99.}, {112., 109., 115.}, {124., 126., 123.,128., 120.}};
ChartElementFunction -> "PointDensity",
ChartLabels -> Range[5]]
shows the points associated with the sublists containing more than one element, but does not show any of the points in the first two sublists.
A hacky way to do get this to display is to add a duplicate entry to the single-member lists, e.g., redefining:
data = {{39.,39.}, {82.,82.}, {97., 99.}, {112., 109., 115.}, {124., 126., 123.,128., 120.}};
for the example above gives:
which at least shows something, although the presence of two points is undesirable.
Is there a better idiomatic way to shows these single points on this type of plot?
Using Show
-ing with a ListPlot
(as in this answer) seems even more complicated.
I suspect there's a way to do it by defining a special ChartElementFunction, but I don't understand graphics well enough.