
Here is my problem:

I want to achieve a loop and assign the outcomes of Solve to variables for future use. But the equations in Solve may have no solutions. Under this circumstance, I want to assign 0 to my variable. But I don't know how to achieve it.

For example:

  solution = Solve[15 - 0.005 Qi^2 - (Qi Qj)/500 == 0 &&  10 - (3 Qi Qj)/2000 + 0.00025 Qj^2 == 0, {Qi, Qj}, Reals]
    x1 = solution[[1, 1, 2]]
    x2 = solution[[1, 2, 2]]

The outcomes of Solve under this pair of parameters are empty. So I want to assign 0 to x1,x2 but I don't know why.



1 Answer 1

solution =  Solve[15 - 0.005 Qi^2 - (Qi Qj)/500 == 0 && 
    10 - (3 Qi Qj)/2000 + 0.00025 Qj^2 == 0, {Qi, Qj}, Reals] // Quiet
{x1, x2} = If[solution == {}, {0, 0}, {Qi, Qj} /. solution]
{0, 0}


solution2 =  Solve[15 - 0.005 Qi^2 - (Qi Qj)/500 == 0 && 
     10 - (3 Qi Qj)/2000 + 0.00025 Qj^2 == 0, {Qi, Qj},  Reals] /. 
  {} -> Thread[{Qi, Qj} -> 0] // Quiet
  {Qi -> 0, Qj -> 0}
{x1, x2} = {Qi, Qj} /. solution2
 {0, 0}
  • $\begingroup$ Thank you very much! $\endgroup$
    – cclinoom
    Commented May 3, 2020 at 13:25
  • $\begingroup$ @lin my pleasure. Thank you for the accept. $\endgroup$
    – kglr
    Commented May 3, 2020 at 13:26

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