
I am trying to find solutions of an equation in two variables k and n. Alternatively, I would also be okay with a plot which shows the variation of one versus another.

Nnorm[n_] := 
  Sqrt[2]*(1 - 2/(n + 1/6))^(1/4)*(1 - 2/n)^(-1/
   2)*(1 - 2/(n + 1/12))^(1/2);

F[u_, L_, k_, w_] := 
  u^2/(8 Pi*L*Sqrt[1 + (L/(2 k))^2])*Cos[2*w*k*ArcSinh[L/(2 k)]];

The value of parameters u, L, w are known. After using FullSimplify[F[0.01, L, k, 10]]and my requirement between relation of F and Nnorm : F = -0.00003*Nnorm I will obtain an equation like this :

 (7.957747154594767`*^-6 Cos[20 k ArcCsch[(2 k)/L]])/(
  L Sqrt[4 + L^2/k^2]) + (0.00003*(
    2 n (1 - 2/(1/12 + n)) Sqrt[1 - 2/(1/6 + n)])/(-2 + n)) == 0

This is what I want to solve or plot, an equation in two variables. The only thing that partially works is the following :

F[0.001, 100, 200, 10];

(* obtaining the value of F here and then manually substituting as follows : *)

Solve[-0.00003*2*(1 - 2/(n + 1/6))^(1/
   2)*(1 - 2/n)*(1 - 2/(n + 1/12)) == 3.55881271708, n]

This doesn't always work so I cannot put this in a loop or an Export command.

I have tried using Simplify, FullSimplify, Solve, ContourPlot, Reduce, InverseFunctionto no avail.

I cannot use FindRoot by taking some value for either k or n and using it on the other because I simply have no idea what to give for starting value for the FindRoot function.

I have also looked at this, this and this at the very least.

The main culprit here, I think, is ArcSinh without which Solve will probably do the job. I tried to eliminate ArcSinh by comparing the values of L and k but again nothing.

Please give me some help on how to tackle this issue.

Edit : I use

Plot3D[{F[1/1000, 10^90, k, 10], -3*^-5*(Binomial[n, 2])^-1}, {n, 
  10^16, 10^17}, {k, 10^60, 10^61}, PlotPoints -> 100, 
 MaxRecursion -> 5, WorkingPrecision -> 110, AxesLabel -> Automatic, 
 PlotLegends -> "Expressions"]

to get

n from 10^16 to 10^17

For any higher values of n the plot disappears and this plot also seems to be missing things compared to the answer below. Can I say that for n=6.4*10^16 the constraint I require is satisfied?


1 Answer 1


Nnorm[n_] := 
  Sqrt[2]*(1 - 2/(n + 1/6))^(1/4)*(1 - 2/n)^(-1/2)*(1 - 2/(n + 1/12))^(1/2);

FunctionDomain[Nnorm[n], n]

(* n < -(1/6) || n > 2 *)

However, if Nnorm is simplified for n > 0

FunctionDomain[Simplify[Nnorm[n], n > 0], n] //
 Simplify[#, n > 0] &

(* 11/6 <= n < 23/12 || n > 2 *)


Plot[-3*^-5*Nnorm[n], {n, -2, 5},
 PlotPoints -> 100,
 MaxRecursion -> 5,
 WorkingPrecision -> 15]

enter image description here

F[u_, L_, k_, w_] := 
  u^2/(8 Pi*L*Sqrt[1 + (L/(2 k))^2])*Cos[2*w*k*ArcSinh[L/(2 k)]];

 {F[1/1000, 100, k, 10], -3*^-5*Nnorm[n]},
 {n, 11/6, 23/12}, {k, 0, 200},
 PlotPoints -> 100,
 MaxRecursion -> 5,
 WorkingPrecision -> 15,
 AxesLabel -> Automatic,
 PlotLegends -> "Expressions"]

enter image description here

sol1[k_?NumericQ] := FindRoot[
    F[1/1000, 100, k, 10] == -3*^-5*Nnorm[n],
    {n, #}, WorkingPrecision -> 15] & /@
  {11/6, 23/12 - 1*^-6}


(* {{n -> 1.83333333333333}, {n -> 1.91666666622529}} *)

sol2[k_?NumericQ] := NSolve[{11/6 <= n < 23/12,
   F[1/1000, 100, k, 10] == -3*^-5*Nnorm[n]},
  n, WorkingPrecision -> 15]


(* {{n -> 1.91666666663313}, {n -> 1.83333333333333}} *)

% /. x_Real :> RootApproximant[x]

(* {{n -> 23/12}, {n -> 11/6}} *)
  • $\begingroup$ Can you please help me understand your answer better? Since I had no idea about what to give as initial value to FindRoot you found the domain of Nnorm. I am interested in the range of n>0 or even n>2. I don't understand why you did the 3D plot. Then you give 2 ways to solve for constraint between F & Nnorm. I could use either of them with a loop or Export to generate a data file with values of n & k. Perfect. The only problem is that for some reason this is not working for n>2. I get the output as {}. Was the reason to do 3D plot to show what values of n work? $\endgroup$
    – Nitin
    Commented Apr 24, 2020 at 8:21
  • $\begingroup$ When I use sol2[k_?NumericQ] := NSolve[{3 <= n < 5, F[1/1000, 100, k, 10] == 3*^-5*Nnorm[n]}, n, WorkingPrecision -> 15] and sol2[200] I get the output : {} $\endgroup$
    – Nitin
    Commented Apr 24, 2020 at 8:23
  • $\begingroup$ Since you said that you tried ContourPlot it appeared that you were looking for real-valued solutions. Nnorm has a very limited range where it is real and takes values such that F == -0.00003*Nnorm for the values of u, L, and w that you gave. The plot above was used to determine how to estimate the initial values for FindRoot. In this case, constants could be used over a wide range of k. sol2 works with v12.1, perhaps you are using a different version. sol2 is not needed if sol1 works for you since they should give identical results. $\endgroup$
    – Bob Hanlon
    Commented Apr 24, 2020 at 14:13
  • $\begingroup$ Actually, please let me modify it a little bit. I had used an approximation for factorial. Original equation that I need to solve would be this : -0.00003 = Binomial[n,2]*(3.97887*10^-8 Cos[200 k ArcSinh[L/(2 k)]])/(L Sqrt[1 + L^2/(4 k^2)]) for various values of L, specially when L>>k. Inspired from your answer I have been using Plot3D to get the available regions for n which is also quite large maybe of order 10^23 but I am not getting anything. I am posting some outputs, if possible please look at them and give me a little bit more help. $\endgroup$
    – Nitin
    Commented Apr 24, 2020 at 14:41

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