
Suppose I have the following Manipulate function,

Manipulate[Plot[Sin[a x + b], {x, 0, 6}], {a, 1, 4}, {b, 0, 10}]

running this plots the function for given a and b. As follow for example:

enter image description here

for each given a and b I want to show the value of a*b on the same module, so for the example above it would show a*b=10 I wonder how one does that?


1 Answer 1


enter image description here

   {Row[{"a * b = ", a*b}]},
   {Plot[Sin[a x + b], {x, 0, 6}, ImageSize -> 400]}
   }, Spacings -> {1, 1}, Frame -> All],
 {{a, 1, "a"}, 1, 4, 1, Appearance -> "Labeled"},
 {{b, 0, "b"}, 0, 10, 1, Appearance -> "Labeled"},
 TrackedSymbols :> {a, b}]

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