I have data in the form of x, y, vx, vy where vx and vy are components of the velocity vector at point x,y.
I want to plot a contourplot of this. How can I do that since contourplot asks for three values?
testBC = Import["...test.dat", "Table", "IgnoreEmptyLines" -> True];
testBCx = testBC[[All, 1]];
testBCy = testBC[[All, 2]];
ux = testBC[[All, 3]];
uy = testBC[[All, 4]];
u = Transpose[{ux, uy}];
testbdry = Transpose[{testBCx, testBCy}];
ListContourPlot[testbdry, u]
I am not sure which one is right, ContourPlot or ListContourplot. I am trying to look for something that provides "heat plotting"