I'm not sure yet what exactly changed – maybe the underlying "Reference.nb" stylesheet or our handling of N
or Inherited
(see below). We don't officially support documentation notebooks in the cloud yet (so we don't actively test that stylesheet), but, of course, this should "just work". So it's a little embarrassing this got slower. Sorry.
In cases like this, it can be very useful to look at our (rather experimental and un-polished) "devtools", e.g. by opening the page with an extra ?devtools=true
parameter: https://www.wolframcloud.com/obj/EcoEvo/docs/guide/EcoEvo.nb?devtools=true
This shows you all the kernel evaluations being made, which is usually the bottleneck (due to the round-trip time to the server). You can see a lot of evaluations with an evaluated value
RGBColor[0.054902`, 0.243137`, 0.72549`], Inherited],
"res:StyleSheets:Wolfram/Reference.nb"], None, N, 87236023836699,
6, 1585260120.881`]]}
– so what's happening is that it (unfortunately) uses the kernel to resolve essentially
RGBColor[0.054902`, 0.243137`, 0.72549`], Inherited]
This should really be handled by the client-side evaluator, but it isn't (anymore?), I think because it doesn't know how to resolve N[Inherited]
. We will try to get that fixed in Cloud 1.55.
In the meanwhile, you could avoid this by just not using a hover effect for hyperlinks, e.g. adding a style override like the following to your (inline) stylesheet:
TemplateBoxOptions -> {DisplayFunction :> (TagBox[
FontColor -> RGBColor[0.054902, 0.243137, 0.72549]],
ButtonData -> {URL[#2], None}],
MouseAppearanceTag["LinkHand"]] &)}]
I have tried this, and it loads much faster: https://www.wolframcloud.com/obj/jpoeschko/Published/EcoEvo-optimized.nb
It might also work to just replace Inherited
with an explicit RGBColor
Hope this helps.