I'm new to Mathematica and have a hard time solving a stiff PDE using NDSolve after searching around for different stiff system methods. Below is the PDE and so far I have been getting the errors of
NDSolve::ndsz: At t == xxx, step size is effectively zero; singularity or stiff system suspected.
It's been quite frustrating and any feedback is deeply appreciated.
(*parameter setup*)
pm = 0.64;
p0 = 0.5;
tmax = (pm - p0)/pm;
Tanhm1[t_, t0_] := Tanh[500*(t - t0)] + 1;
T[t_] := 293 + 20*Tanhm1[t, 0.1*tmax];
R = 225*^-9; k = 1.381*^-23;
mu[t_] := (2.414*^-5)*10^(247.8/(T[t] - 140));
g = 9.8; rp = 1050; rl = 1000;
D0[t_] := k*T[t]/(6*Pi*mu[t]*R);
U0[t_] := 2*R^2*g*(rp - rl)/(9*mu[t]);
H0 = 28*^-6; pinf = 0;
A1 = 8.07131; B1 = 1730.63; C1 = 233.426;
pint[t_] := 10^(A1 - B1/(C1 + T[t]));
kg = 20*^-16;
delta[t_] := kg*H0/(rl *D0[t]);
E0[t_] := delta[t]*(pint[t] - pinf);
Pe[t_] := E0[t]*H0/D0[t];
Ns[t_] := U0[t]/E0[t];
K[p_] := (1 - p)^6.55;
Z[p_] := 1/(pm - p);
DP [p_] := D[p*Z[p], p];
pde = {D[p[t, x], t] + (x/(1 - t))*D[p[t, x], x] ==
Ns[t]/(1 - t)*D[K[p[t, x]]*p[t, x], x] +
1/(Pe[t]*(1 - t)^2)*D[K[p[t, x]]*DP[p[t, x]]*D[p[t, x], x], x]};
bc = {Ns[t]*Pe[t]*p[t, 0]*(1 - t)*(1 - Exp[-1000*t]) +
DP[p[t, 0]]*Derivative[0, 1][p][t, 0] == 0,
Ns[t]*Pe[t]*K[p[t, 1]]*p[t, 1]*(1 - t)*(1 - Exp[-1000*t]) +
K[p[t, 1]]*DP[p[t, 1]]*Derivative[0, 1][p][t, 1] ==
Pe[t]*(1 - t)*p[t, 1]*(1 - Exp[-1000*t]),
p[0, x] == p0};
sol = NDSolve[Flatten[{pde, bc}], p, {t, 0, tmax}, {x, 0, 1},
Method -> {"MethodOfLines",
"SpatialDiscretization" -> {"TensorProductGrid",
"MinPoints" -> 41, "MaxPoints" -> 101,
"DifferenceOrder" -> "Pseudospectral"}}]
Plot3D[Evaluate[p[t, x] /. sol], {t, 0, tmax}, {x, 0, 1}, PlotPoints -> 100]
"DifferenceOrder" -> "Pseudospectral"
seems to help. Also, add the optionPlotRange -> All
to see the entire solution. $\endgroup$