I have two PDFs given by:
fS1[x_?NumericQ] := PDF[NormalDistribution[1, 0.05], x];
FS1[x_?NumericQ] := CDF[NormalDistribution[1, 0.05], x];
fS2[x_?NumericQ] :=
PDF[GumbelDistribution[1 - EulerGamma*0.25*6^0.5/Pi, 0.25*6^0.5/Pi],
FS2[x_?NumericQ] :=
CDF[GumbelDistribution[1 - EulerGamma*0.25*6^0.5/Pi, 0.25*6^0.5/Pi],
And I want to compute the combined CDF:
FS12[x_?NumericQ] := NIntegrate[fS1[y]*FS2[x - y], {y, -Infinity, +Infinity}]
NIntegrate[FS12[x], {x, -Infinity, +Infinity}]
But the output I get is:
NIntegrate::inumr: The integrand FS[x] has evaluated to non-numerical values for all sampling points in the region with boundaries {{0.,3.67005*10^28}}.
So I'm still struggling with FS12. Any additional ideas?
. $\endgroup$FS12
appears to be a CDF rather than a PDF. $\endgroup$?NumericQ
but I still get an error... $\endgroup$NIntegrate
do thisTable[Print[{z,FS12[z]}],{z,-100,-50,5}];
and see what you get. Then think about why you would get that. $\endgroup$