Mathematica does-not have a function to compute the log-det of matrix? Naively computing Log[Det[M]]
can be numerically unstable.
1 Answer
The determinant of a matrix may be outside the usual 64-bit floating point range, even if the log determinant isn't. Hence using Log[Det[...]]
to compute the log determinant can be numerically problematic.
A simple method to directly compute the log-determinant of a symmetric positive definite matrix is:
logdet[m_] := 2 Total[Log[Diagonal[CholeskyDecomposition[m]]]];
(See the comments for dealing with more general matrices.) However, this approach is sensitive to slight asymmetries in the matrix, and near-singularity, so I use
logdet2[m_] := Module[{mm},
mm = (m + m\[Transpose])/2.;
Do[mm[[i, i]] = mm[[i, i]] (1. + 10.^-8), {i, Length[m]}];
2 Total[Log[Diagonal[CholeskyDecomposition[mm]]]]
This is inelegant with the arbitrary small constant, but does the job for many applications.
A trick that I haven't tested well is to use Mathematica's internal algorithms using the multivariate normal log-likelihood:
logdet3[m_] := Module[{zero},
zero = Table[0, Length[m]];
-2 LogLikelihood[MultinormalDistribution[zero, m], {zero}] - Length[m] Log[2 \[Pi]]
It seems to be slower than the other methods.
To test these:
a = {{5, 2}, {2, 5}};
logdet[a] // Simplify
Using a = DiagonalMatrix[Table[10.^-10, {100}]];
, Log[Det[a]]
gives Indeterminate
, while the other methods give the correct result -2302.59
2$\begingroup$ These seem OK for symmetric positive definite matrices. For general square matrices one might use
logDet[mat_] := With[{evals = Eigenvalues[mat]}, Total[Log[evals]]]
$\endgroup$ Commented Apr 10 at 18:23 -
2$\begingroup$ @DanielLichtblau some of the eigenvalues may be negative, and so applying the function
Re[#] + I*Mod[Im[#], 2π, -π] &
to the result may prettify it a bit. $\endgroup$– RomanCommented Apr 10 at 18:31 -
$\begingroup$ Yes, bringing the imaginary part into the correct range should also be done. $\endgroup$ Commented Apr 10 at 23:43
$\begingroup$ Good points @DanielLichtblau and Roman, I qualified the answer to say it is for symmetric p.d. matrices. $\endgroup$– WicherCommented Apr 11 at 10:11
$\begingroup$ @DanielLichtblau (or others), the
loop in logdet2 above seems to mess up the storing of the matrix in some way, causingCholeskyDecomposition
to slow down enormously (for large matrices). I tried applying Developer`ToPackedArray but to no avail. Any ideas what is happening? $\endgroup$– WicherCommented Apr 11 at 10:57
, take the log of the singular values and take theTotal
is about 2-3 times faster, and I would like to know too if there are significantly better ways to compute the log-determinant. $\endgroup$LUDecomposition
is much faster, but potentially less stable. So, something likeTotal[Log[Abs[Diagonal[First[LUDecomposition[m]]]]]]
should work (this removes the sign of the determinant, though) $\endgroup$