This is similar to countless PDE equations, but the error seems specific to my case:
I'm trying to solve a hyperbolic PDE, where $U=(x,t)$ and $V=(x,t)$:
The system represents a piezoelectric beam in quasi-static assumptions: $$\rho\frac{\partial^2 U}{\partial t^2}-\alpha \frac{\partial^2U}{\partial x^2} U=0$$ with BCs: $$ U(0,t)=0; \quad \alpha\frac{\partial U}{\partial x}(L,t)=\frac{\gamma V(t)}{h}$$ and ICs: $$U(x,0)=0\quad\frac{\partial U}{\partial x}(x,0)=0$$
The error I get seems related to the boundary condition since it is represents a voltage applied:
NDSolveValue::deqn: Equation or list of equations expected instead of 0 in the first argument {0,0,-(Sin[20 \[Pi] t]/1000000000),0,0}.
It seems like a straight forward solution, and my code:
ClearAll[U, V]
alpha = 12.1*10^10; gamma = 10*10^-12; rho = 7850; freq = 10; omega =
2 Pi freq; Volt = 100;
L = 3; T = 30; h = 1;
System = {rho D[U[x, t], t, t] - alpha D[U[x, t], x, x] = 0,
U[x, t] = 0 /. x -> 0,
alpha1 D[U[x, t], x] = -gamma/h Volt Sin[omega t] /. x -> L,
U[x, t] = 0 /. t -> 0,
D[U[x, t], t] = 0 /. t -> 0
{U} = NDSolveValue[System, {U}, {x, 0, L}, {t, 0, T}]
Plot3D[{U[x, t], V[x, t]}, {x, 0, L}, {t, 0, T}]