In part of a dynamic module I have a slider and I wish to put the units after the value. So I have done this:
style = FontSize -> 24;
f1 = 0; f2 = 10;
Style["Frequency ", style],
Style[Slider[Dynamic[f], {f1, f2},
Appearance -> {"Labeled", "DownArrow"},
ImageSize -> {6 72, 0.5 72}], style],
Style["Hz", style]
As you may see the units are way over to the right well away from the number. I want the units just after the number with no significant gap. How do I do this?
Playing around I put a frame around the slider using
style = FontSize -> 24;
f1 = 0; f2 = 10;
Style["Frequency ", style],
Slider[Dynamic[f], {f1, f2},
Appearance -> {"Labeled", "DownArrow"},
ImageSize -> {5 72, 0.5 72}], style]],
Style["Hz", style]
The problem is now clear. For some reason Mathematica puts lots of space around the slider particularly on the right. How do I get rid of this extra space?