Plot3D[1.5 E^(-5.5 (Sqrt[x^2 + y^2] - 5)^2), {x, -6, 6}, {y, -6, 6}, 
 PlotRange -> {0, 2}, BoxRatios -> Automatic, PlotPoints -> 25]

ℛ = ParametricRegion[{x, y, 1.5 E^(-5.5 (Sqrt[x^2 + y^2] - 5)^2)},
                      {{x, -6, +6}, {y, -6, +6}}];
DiscretizeRegion[ℛ, AccuracyGoal -> 3]

The graphics processed by DiscretizeRegion are obviously incomplete.

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ try this ? mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/211178/… $\endgroup$ Commented Jan 21, 2020 at 3:55
  • 4
    $\begingroup$ I am puzzled. Usually, increasing the resolution with the option MaxCellMeasure helps, but here it seem as if DiscretizeRegion would not be able to compute a decent bounding box. Providing an eplicit bounding box with DiscretizeRegion[\[ScriptCapitalR], {{-6, +6}, {-6, +6}, {-1, 2}}, MaxCellMeasure -> (1 -> 0.01)] helps, but then MaxCellMeasure option is entirely ignored. This is certainly a bug; please contact the support. $\endgroup$ Commented Jan 21, 2020 at 8:01

2 Answers 2


Using the second argument to specify explicit bounds (as suggested by Henrik in comments) helps remove the empty regions:

DiscretizeRegion[ℛ, {{-6, 6}, {-6, 6}, {-1, 2}}, AccuracyGoal -> 3]

enter image description here

We can not use the option PlotPoints in DiscretizeRegion directly. However, we can use the option Method and control mesh quality by injecting PlotPoints as a suboption for "Discretization":

DiscretizeRegion[ℛ, {{-6, 6}, {-6, 6}, {-1, 2}},  
 AccuracyGoal -> 3, 
 Method -> {"Discretization" -> {"MarchingCubes", PlotPoints -> 100}, 
   "PostProcessing" -> {"SmoothMesh", "ImproveBoundaries"}}]

enter image description here


If we remove the suboption "PostProcessing" -> {"SmoothMesh", "ImproveBoundaries"} we do get a similar picture but it takes longer:

DiscretizeRegion[ℛ, {{-6, 6}, {-6, 6}, {-1, 2}},  
 AccuracyGoal -> 3, 
 Method -> {"Discretization" -> {"MarchingCubes", PlotPoints -> 100}}]

enter image description here

If we remove the suboption PlotPoints we get

DiscretizeRegion[ℛ, {{-6, 6}, {-6, 6}, {-1, 2}},  
 AccuracyGoal -> 3, 
 Method -> {"Discretization" -> {"MarchingCubes"}, 
   "PostProcessing" -> {"SmoothMesh", "ImproveBoundaries"}}]

enter image description here


Monge patches like the one in the OP, when expressed as a ParametricRegion[], are often troublesome to discretize without special treatment like what kglr does.

Instead, one could reformulate the surface as an ImplicitRegion[], like so:

reg = ImplicitRegion[z == 1.5 E^(-5.5 (Sqrt[x^2 + y^2] - 5)^2),
                     {{x, -6, 6}, {y, -6, 6}, {z, -1, 7}}];

tho you now have to specify a range for z as well.

With that,

DiscretizeRegion[reg, AccuracyGoal -> 3, MaxCellMeasure -> {"Length" -> 0.15}]

discretized Monge patch


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