This is the code I have:
ϵs = -13.6;
ϵso = -29.1;
ϵp = -14.1;
ssσ = -7.20;
spσ = 9.46;
θ = ((π - β)/2);
Hmatrix0[θ_] =
{ϵs, 0, ssσ, Cos[θ]*spσ, -Sin[θ]*spσ, 0},
{0, ϵs, ssσ, -Cos[θ]*spσ, -Sin[θ]*spσ, 0},
{ssσ, ssσ, ϵso, 0, 0, 0},
{Cos[θ]*spσ, -Cos[θ]*spσ, 0, ϵp, 0, 0},
{-Sin[θ]*spσ, -Sin[θ]*spσ, 0, 0, ϵp, 0},
{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ϵp}
This is a sample of one of the eigenvalues:
Root[(38319.6 + 0. I) - 130827. Cos[β] - 116527. Cos[2 β] + (120228. - 9278.49 Cos[β] - 4004.37 Cos[2 β]) #1 + (29612. + 9.09495*10^-13 Cos[β]) #1^2 + 2480.29 #1^3 + 84.5 #1^4 + 1. #1^5 &, 1]
I wish to plot the eigenvalues as a function of beta as it ranges from $\frac{\pi}{2}$ to $\pi$ but I don't know what those hashes are and putting N[hmatrix0[
doesn't work.
will work if it is numerically defined. $\endgroup$Slot
in the documentation. $\endgroup$