I was in the impression that V12 can now handle higher order PDES but for this particular case it fails to produce any solution.
pde1 = D[F[x, y], {x, 3}] + F[x, y]*D[F[x, y], {x, 2}] ==
y*(D[F[x, y], {x, 1}]*D[D[F[x, y], {x, 1}], y] -
D[F[x, y], {x, 2}]*D[F[x, y], {y, 1}]);
pde2[Pr_, L1_] =
1/Pr*D[T[x, y], {x, 2}] + F[x, y]*D[T[x, y], {x, 1}] -
2*L1*D[F[x, y], {x, 1}]*T[x, y] ==
y*(D[F[x, y], {x, 1}]*D[T[x, y], {y, 1}] -
D[T[x, y], {x, 1}]*D[F[x, y], {y, 1}]);
With[{lb = 5}, bcs = {{F[0, y] + y == -y*Derivative[0, 1][F][0, y],
Derivative[1, 0][F][0, y] == 0, T[0, y] == 1},
{Derivative[1, 0][F][lb, y] == 1, T[lb, y] == 0}}];
With[{lb = 5},
solfunc[Pr_, L1_: 0.5] :=NDSolve[{pde1, pde2[Pr, L1], bcs}, {F, T}, {x, 0, lb}, {y, 0, 1}]]
(sollst[#] = solfunc[#]) & /@ {0.7, 3}
The above system has been solved using truncation method getting a series solution in this paper. The approach suggested by the authors is long and a tedious one. I was wondering whether it is possible to solve this system directly or there is some other efficient way to get the solution.
Any suggestion on how to solve such system?
, as expected. But, what are the two boundary conditions iny
? $\endgroup$NDSolve
use the numerical method of lines. If that does not work either, descritize the PDEs inx
by hand to create a large system of ODEs iny
which almost certainly can be solved numerically. $\endgroup$x
by hand and then solve the resulting system of ODEs. Although tedious, it should work, I think. (The cross-derivatives in the first PDE could be an issue.) $\endgroup$