
To know how fast values in a list approach 1 I tried

#[[1]]/#[[2]] & /@ Partition[{5040, 1460, 280, 76, 16, 2, 1}, 2, 1]

This works, but I seek a better method, perhaps through mapping a function over the list:

f /@ {5040, 1460, 280, 76, 16, 2, 1}

What could be the form of this f?


1 Answer 1

list = {5040, 1460, 280, 76, 16, 2, 1};


1 / Ratios @ list

{252/73, 73/14, 70/19, 19/4, 8, 2}

Reverse @ Ratios @ Reverse @ list

{252/73, 73/14, 70/19, 19/4, 8, 2}


Divide[Most @ #, Rest @ #]& @ list

{252/73, 73/14, 70/19, 19/4, 8, 2}


MovingMap[Divide @@ # &, list, 1]

{252/73, 73/14, 70/19, 19/4, 8, 2}


BlockMap[Divide @@ # &, list, 2, 1]

{252/73, 73/14, 70/19, 19/4, 8, 2}

Partition + Divide:

Divide @@@ Partition[list, 2, 1]

{252/73, 73/14, 70/19, 19/4, 8, 2}

Partition[list, 2, 1, {1, -1}, {}, Divide]

{252/73, 73/14, 70/19, 19/4, 8, 2}

  • 2
    $\begingroup$ +1 There is also Most[#]/Rest[#]&@list. Of these, Reverse@Ratios@Reverse@list is the quickest (RepeatedTiming) for this size list. $\endgroup$
    – Bob Hanlon
    Commented Jan 1, 2020 at 19:14

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