
Is there a general Transpose for Dataset/Association that will transpose arbitrary levels, such as

Transpose[array, perm]

which will permute the levels of array according to the permutation perm? One seems to be able to use Transpose[ds] to transpose levels 1 and 2 and Map[Query@Transpose, ds, {n}] to transpose levels n+1 and n+2. But they only work on "adjacent" levels. To transpose levels 1 and 3 (i.e. perm = {3, 2, 1}), I seem to have to do something like the following

Transpose[Transpose /@ Transpose@ assoc]
Transpose[ds][Transpose, Transpose]

Is there a general way to do this for an arbitrary permutation of the levels of the data?

(I give a solution below, but as I'm learning how to use Dataset, I figure there are better ways.)

Related: Association of Associations : how to permute level 1 and level 2 keys? and comments.

  • $\begingroup$ Possible duplicate, but no answers: mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/166585/… $\endgroup$
    – Michael E2
    Commented Dec 29, 2019 at 2:01
  • $\begingroup$ Hi Michael, do you mind if I temporarily downvote some of your questions/answers (to test something about the rep accounting)? $\endgroup$
    – kglr
    Commented Mar 22, 2021 at 20:25
  • $\begingroup$ @kglr Okay. (extra chars) $\endgroup$
    – Michael E2
    Commented Mar 22, 2021 at 20:28
  • $\begingroup$ thank you Michael. Done. $\endgroup$
    – kglr
    Commented Mar 22, 2021 at 20:55

3 Answers 3



Here is an alternative implementation using the Wolfram Function Repository functions
AssociationKeyFlatten and ToAssociations (submitted by WRI personnel) and the function meMerge (localMerge) from the answer by andre314:

TransposeAssoc[assoc_Association, perm_?PermutationListQ] :=
  Block[{assoc2, assoc3, LocalMerge},
   LocalMerge[x : {_Association ..}] := Merge[x, LocalMerge]; 
   LocalMerge[{x_}] := x;
   assoc2 = ResourceFunction["AssociationKeyFlatten"][assoc];
   assoc3 = KeyMap[Permute[#, perm] &, assoc2];
     KeyValueMap[Fold[{#2 -> #1} &, #2, Reverse@#1] &, assoc3]]

Step-by-step run

enter image description here

  • $\begingroup$ Hi, Anton. Thanks! I already upvoted, but I just noticed that the output is not quite right. The list of associations needs to be merged in just the way @andre314's does. In fact, using his myMerge function with your TransposeAssoc yields the desired output myMerge@TransposeAssoc[assoc, {3, 1, 4, 2}]: i.sstatic.net/GeFkF.png $\endgroup$
    – Michael E2
    Commented Dec 30, 2019 at 23:25
  • $\begingroup$ Ah, yes, my application of ResourceFunction["ToAssociations"] is not right. I will fix my answer tonight/tomorrow. $\endgroup$ Commented Dec 30, 2019 at 23:29
  • $\begingroup$ There is a ResourceFunction["AssociationTranspose"] now $\endgroup$
    – matheorem
    Commented Dec 16, 2021 at 8:46
  • $\begingroup$ @matheorem Good to know! $\endgroup$ Commented Dec 19, 2021 at 1:46

If you factor a permuation perm into a product of cycles of the form $(j\ k)$ with $k=j+1$, then the permuation can be effected by Query and Transpose.


adjacentCycles[perm] (* factors perm into "adjacent" 2-cycles *)
dsTranspose[x, perm] (* like Transpose[x, perm],
                        but x is a Dataset or Association *)


(* adjacentCycles
 *   factor permutations into cycles of the form (n n+1)
adjacentCycles[p_?PermutationListQ] := 
adjacentCycles[c : Cycles[{{__Integer} ..}]] := 
iAdjacentCycles[Cycles[c : {}]] := {};
iAdjacentCycles[Cycles[c : {c1_, c2__}]] :=(*Join@@*)
  iAdjacentCycles /@ Cycles@*List /@ c;
iAdjacentCycles[Cycles[{c : {x_, y_, z__}}]] :=(*Join@@*)
  iAdjacentCycles /@ Cycles@*List /@ Reverse@Partition[c, 2, 1];
iAdjacentCycles[Cycles[{c : {x_, y_}}]] := Module[{a, b},
   {a, b} = MinMax[{x, y}];
   With[{factors = 
      Cycles@*List /@ Reverse@Partition[Range[a, b], 2, 1]},

dsTranspose[assoc_Association, perm_?PermutationListQ] := 
  With[{res = dsTranspose[Dataset@assoc, perm]},
   Normal@res /; Dataset`ValidDatasetQ[res]
dsTranspose[ds_Dataset, perm_?PermutationListQ] :=
    xps,  (* perm factored as 2-cycle transpositions *)
    xpFN, (* applies Transpose or Query[Transpose] to appropriate level *)
   xps = adjacentCycles@perm;
   xps = xps[[All, 1, 1, 1]] - 1; (* levels to be transposed *)
   xpFN[0] = Transpose;
   xpFN[n_Integer?Positive] := 
        Throw[$Failed, dsTranspose]] &, #, {n}] &;
   res = Catch[Fold[xpFN[#2][#1] &, ds, xps], dsTranspose];
   res /; Dataset`ValidDatasetQ[res]


assoc = Fold[AssociationThread[#2 -> #1] &, "X", 
  Reverse@Table[ToString[10 i + j], {i, 4}, {j, 2}]]
<|"11" ->
    <|"21" -> <|"31" -> <|"41" -> "X", "42" -> "X"|>, 
                "32" -> <|"41" -> "X", "42" -> "X"|>|>, 
      "22" -> <|"31" -> <|"41" -> "X", "42" -> "X"|>, 
                "32" -> <|"41" -> "X", "42" -> "X"|>|>|>, 
  "12" ->
    <|"21" -> <|"31" -> <|"41" -> "X", "42" -> "X"|>, 
                "32" -> <|"41" -> "X", "42" -> "X"|>|>, 
      "22" -> <|"31" -> <|"41" -> "X", "42" -> "X"|>, 
                "32" -> <|"41" -> "X", "42" -> "X"|>|>|>|>

dsTranspose[assoc, {3, 1, 4, 2}]
(*                                     (* perm:         *)
<|"21" ->                              (*  level 2 -> 1 *)
    <|"41" ->                          (*  level 4 -> 2 *)
              <|"11" ->                (*  level 1 -> 3 *)
                        <|"31" -> "X", (*  level 3 -> 4 *)
                                       "32" -> "X"|>,
                "12" -> <|"31" -> "X", "32" -> "X"|>|>, 
      "42" -> <|"11" -> <|"31" -> "X", "32" -> "X"|>, 
                "12" -> <|"31" -> "X", "32" -> "X"|>|>|>, 
  "22" ->
    <|"41" -> <|"11" -> <|"31" -> "X", "32" -> "X"|>, 
                "12" -> <|"31" -> "X", "32" -> "X"|>|>, 
      "42" -> <|"11" -> <|"31" -> "X", "32" -> "X"|>, 
                "12" -> <|"31" -> "X", "32" -> "X"|>|>|>|>

Here is an approach that doesn't need to flatten the whole tree of data.

Let's take the example of moving the level 1 keys at the level 3, on the data assoc of your self-answer :

assoc = Fold[AssociationThread[#2 -> #1] &, "X", 
  Reverse@Table[ToString[10 i + j], {i, 4}, {j, 2}]]

Here is a function showAssocListTree that will be usefull to show clearly how associations are nested. It's just a formatting function. It is useless to understand it:

showAssocListTree = RightComposition[
  # //. List[content___] :>  Prepend[List1 /@ List1[content], "List"] &
  , # /. List1 -> List &
  , # //. as : Association[___] :>  
     Prepend[List @@@ Normal[as], "Ass."] &
  , TableForm[#] &
  , ToBoxes
  , # //. GridBox[{{"\"List\"", ___}, r___}, r01___] :> 
        StyleBox["\"List\"", FontVariations -> {"Underline" -> True}],
         BoxRotation -> Pi/2], "["(*StyleBox["[",FontWeight\[Rule] 
       "Bold"]*), GridBox[{r}, r01]}] &
  , # //. GridBox[{{"\"Ass.\"", ___}, r___}, r01___] :> 
     RowBox[{"-> ", RotationBox["\"Ass.\"", BoxRotation -> Pi/2], 
       StyleBox["[", FontWeight -> "Bold"], GridBox[{r}, r01]}] &
  , # /. RowBox[{"-> ", r___}] :>  RowBox[{r}] &
  , # //. InterpretationBox[x_, ___] :> x &
  , # /. RowBox[{a___, RotationBox["\"Ass.\"", BoxRotation -> Pi/2], 
       r___}] :>  
     RowBox[{a, RotationBox["\"Association\"", BoxRotation -> Pi/2], 
       r}] &
  , RawBoxes
  , Style[#, GridBoxOptions -> { GridBoxDividers -> None}, 
    SpanMaxSize -> DirectedInfinity[1]] &

your data formatted :

assoc  // showAssocListTree

enter image description here

Insertion of level 1 data at level 3 :

 Function[{k, v}, Map[Association[k -> #] &, v, {2}]], assoc];  

listOfAssoc //showAssocListTree 

enter image description here

Note that the outer Association has been transformed in a List.

Now, the built-in function Merge will be applied. This function only merge two successive levels. So, a recursive function is first created. Note that when applied, this recursive function will explode exponentially, but in most cases, it's better than to flatten the whole tree, and there are probably ways to circumvent this problem.

myMerge[x : {_Association ..}] := Merge[x, myMerge]
myMerge[{x_}] := x  

myMerge[listOfAssoc ] //showAssocListTree 

enter image description here

This approach can be generalised to the general case. For example {3, 1, 4, 2} could be decomposed as {1, 2, 3, 4} -> {1, 3, 4, 2} -> {3, 1, 4, 2}

inspiration source

  • $\begingroup$ For those who are interested in the (dirty) code of myNicePresentation, be aware that it uses SpanMaxSize & Co which is not integrated into the long - term Wolfram Language (according to the documentation) $\endgroup$
    – andre314
    Commented Dec 29, 2019 at 19:35
  • $\begingroup$ This looks great. If by "interverting levels 1 and 3" you mean switching them, I should point out it actually does a cyclic permutation {2, 3, 1} of {1, 2, 3}, but that should reduce the number of iterations compared to my solution. In general, KeyValueMap[Function[{k, v}, Map[Association[k -> #] &, n - 1, {2}]], #] & cyclically permutes the first n levels. $\endgroup$
    – Michael E2
    Commented Dec 29, 2019 at 20:05
  • $\begingroup$ @MichaelE2 it's an error, now corrected. I prefer not to use the word "permutation" (for non-mathematician or mathematics allergics). $\endgroup$
    – andre314
    Commented Dec 29, 2019 at 20:20

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