I have a Dataset[]
like this:
ds = Dataset[{
<|"x" -> 1, "a" -> Missing[], "b" -> 10, "c" -> 14|>,
<|"x" -> 1, "a" -> Missing[], "b" -> Missing[],
"c" -> Missing[]|>,
<|"x" -> 2, "a" -> 12, "b" -> 13, "c" -> 16|>,
<|"x" -> 1, "a" -> 11, "b" -> Missing[], "c" -> 15|>
The keys "a"
, "b"
, and "c"
are hierarchical, and I would like to get the first non-Missing
key/value pair for a given value of "x"
For instance, for each "x" -> 1
, I'd like to get the first key/value pair for which the value is not Missing[]
. The output would look something like this:
{"b" -> 10, "x" -> Missing[], "a" -> 11}
The key "x"
in the second result is irrelevant as long as the value is Missing[]
I can extract the desired keys, more or less:
firstoption[x_] := First[Position[x[[{"a", "b", "c"}]],
_?(! MissingQ[#] &), 1, Heads -> False] /. {} -> {{Missing[]}}];
ds[Select[#x == 1 &], firstoption] // Normal
(* {{Key["b"]}, {Missing[]}, {Key["a"]}} *)
The next step would be to MapThread
on the {rows, keys}
(#2 /. Missing[] -> "x") -> Lookup[##, Missing[]] &,
{Normal@ds[Select[#x == 1 &]],
Flatten@Normal@ds[Select[#x == 1 &], firstoption]}]
(* {Key["b"] -> 10, "x" -> Missing[], Key["a"] -> 11} *)
OK, so that's pretty much what I wanted. The head Key
doesn't matter. I can remove it (or add it) easily.
My question is, Is this the best way to do this?
I have my doubts. My approach seems tortuous. MapThread
does not work with Dataset[]
, so either it's an oversight or there's a better way to do this.
"x" -> Missing[]
when no such pair exist. You are suggesting to select the lastMissing
when no non-missing exist. Not the same. $\endgroup$Missing[]
to not be one of"a"
, or"c"
, because I'd like the presence of the key to indicate that option was chosen first; however, if the coding were somehow natural for the key to be"c"
or some other string, that would be acceptable if the value were stillMissing[]
, indicating that none of the options were chosen. $\endgroup$