
Trying to find maximum of x given that '''0<=x<=3''' and some other stuff. This works fine:

Clear[x, y]
FindMaximum[{x, 0<=x<=3}, x]

But this does not:

Clear[x, y]
FindMaximum[{x, 0<=x<=3 && y==1}, x]

How can I get the maximum x from the second list of constraints?


2 Answers 2

FindArgMax[{x, 0 <= x <= 3 && y == 1}, {x, y}][[1]]



This works, but finds a local maximum. For example, if the constraints are 0<=x<=1 && x==2,y==1 it finds 1, not 2. I have been using rule = NMaximize[{x,0<=x<=1 && x==2,y==1},{x,y}] and x/.rule to good effect so far.


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