I have created the following package.
AplicacionCartesiana::usage = "AplicacionCartesiana[f, {x0, x1, dx}, \
{y0, y1, dy}] plots the image of the Cartesian coordinates under the \
complex function f."
AplicacionCartesiana[func_, {x0_, x1_, dx_}, {y0_, y1_, dy_}] :=
Module[{xy, x, y, hg, vg},
xy = func[x + I y];
hg = Curves[xy, {x, x0, x1, dx}, {y, y0, y1}];
vg = Curves[xy, {y, y0, y1, dy}, {x, x0, x1}];
Show[Graphics[Join[hg, vg]],
AspectRatio -> Automatic,
Axes -> True]
Curves[xy_, spread_, bounds_] :=
With[{curves = Table[{Re[xy], Im[xy]}, spread]},
ParametricPlot[curves, bounds, DisplayFunction -> Identity][[1]]
But I want to know where I have to store it in my computer in order to use it (with Get[] or Needs[]) in other mathematica session. Thanks.
to load your package from an arbitrary path, e.g.Get["/path/to/AplicacionCartesiana.m"]
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