You can also arrange the lines on a circle like a pie chart:
llpOnCircle[dt_, colors_, filling_: True, r1_: 1, r2_: 3/2, scale_: 1] :=
MapIndexed[{Darker @ colors[[#2[[1]]]],
Line[(r1 + #[[2]] scale) {Cos[#[[1]]], Sin[#[[1]]]} & /@ #],
If[filling, {Opacity[.5], Lighter@colors[[#2[[1]]]] ,
Polygon[Join[((r1 + #[[2]] scale) {Cos[#[[1]]], Sin[#[[1]]]} & /@ #),
(r2 {Cos[#[[1]]], Sin[#[[1]]]} & /@ Reverse[#])]]}, {}]} &, dt];
We first pre-process the input data to partition and re-scale the columns:
columns = Range @ 36;
angles = Partition[Subdivide[0, 2 Pi, Length[columns]/2], 2, 1];
rescaled = AllData[[All, #]] & /@ Partition[columns, 2];
rescaled[[All, All, -1]] = Rescale[rescaled[[All, All, -1]]];
rescaled[[All, All, 1]] = MapIndexed[
Rescale[#, MinMax[AllData[[All, 1]]], angles[[#2[[1]]]]] &, rescaled[[All, All, 1]]];
and combine the graphics primitives from OP's first code block
g1 = {Circle[{0, 0}, 2], Line[{{0, 0.8}, {0, 1.2}}],
Arrow[Reverse@Table[{Cos[t], Sin[t]}, {t, -Pi, Pi/2, 0.1}]],
Table[Line[{{2 Sin[θ], 2 Cos[θ]}, {(2 - 0.2) Sin[θ], (2 - 0.2) Cos[θ]}}],
{θ, 0, 2 π, π/9}],
Text[Style[0, Large], {0, 0.6}]};
with lines produces by llpOnCircle
colors = RandomColor[18];
labels = RandomWord[18];
legend = SwatchLegend[colors, labels];
Legended[Graphics[{g1, llpOnCircle[rescaled, colors, True, 2.1, 2.6, .5]},
ImageSize -> Large], legend]
Legended[Graphics[{g1, llpOnCircle[rescaled, colors, False, 2.1, 2.6, .5]},
ImageSize -> Large], legend]
Change the fifth argument of llpOnCircle
from 2.6
to 2
to get filling below the lines:
Legended[Graphics[{g1, llpOnCircle[rescaled, colors, True, 2.1, 2, .5]},
ImageSize -> Large], legend]
Use colors = ColorData[97] /@ Range[Length@columns];
to get
Update: An alternative approach using SectorChart
with a custom ChartElementFunction
cEF = {Line[MapThread[# {Cos@#2, Sin@#2} &, {#[[2, 1]] + #3[[1]],
Subdivide[#[[1, 1]], #[[1, 2]], Length[#3[[1]]] - 1]}]]} &;
yvals = rescaled[[All, All, -1]];
SectorChart[{1, Max@yvals} -> # & /@ yvals, SectorOrigin -> {Automatic, 3},
Epilog -> Inset[Graphics @ g1, {0, 0}, Automatic, Scaled[1/2]],
ImageSize -> 600, ChartStyle -> (ColorData[97] /@ Range[18]),
ChartElementFunction -> cEF,
ChartLabels -> Placed[MapIndexed[Style[#, 14, ColorData[97][#2[[1]]]] &, labels],
You can control the radial width of the sectors using a combination of values in the second part of the SectorOrigin
option setting and in the last argument of Inset
. You can use the option SectorSpacing
to separate sectors:
SectorChart[{1, Max@yvals} -> # & /@ yvals,
SectorSpacing -> {.5, 0},
SectorOrigin -> {Automatic, 4},
Epilog -> Inset[Graphics@g1, {0, 0}, Automatic, Scaled[4/5]],
ImageSize -> 600,
ChartStyle -> (ColorData[97] /@ Range[18]),
ChartElementFunction -> cEF]
To add edges for a more clear separation of sectors, replace cEF
with cEF2
cEF2 = {Line[MapThread[1.02 # {Cos@#2, Sin@#2} &, {#[[2, 1]] + #3[[1]],
Subdivide[#[[1, 1]], #[[1, 2]], Length[#3[[1]]] - 1]}]],
ChartElementData["Sector"][{#[[1]], {.95 #[[2, 1]], 1.02 #[[2, 2]]}}, ##2]} &;
Update 2: Play with options settings for SectorOrigin
to control the starting positions and orientation of sectors. For example:
Row[SectorChart[{1, Max@yvals} -> # & /@ yvals,
SectorOrigin -> #,
Epilog -> Inset[Graphics@g1, {0, 0}, Automatic, Scaled[1/2]],
ImageSize -> 400, ChartStyle -> (ColorData[97] /@ Range[18]),
ChartElementFunction -> cEF2,
PlotLabel -> Row[{"SectorOrigin -> ", #}]] & /@
{{{Pi/2, "Clockwise"}, 1.5}, {{Pi/2, "Counterclockwise"}, 2}}]