
I'm generating some 3D models of planetary nebulae and supernova remnants for Celestia, a free OpenGL astronomy software.

Currently, I know how to do it with random points inside a spherical shell. However, I'm still unable to generate filaments like those in the Crab nebula, and I need some help on this. You can see some of the models I've created there : Nebulae models for Celestia.

Someone has a suggestion about how to generate random filaments with random points only ?

Here's a small part of the code I'm currently using to generate a shell nebula :

X[r_, u_, phi_] := Oblateness r Sqrt[1 - u^2] Cos[phi]
Y[r_, u_, phi_] := Oblateness r Sqrt[1 - u^2] Sin[phi]
Z[r_, u_] :=  r u

Shell[r_, u_, phi_] := {X[r, u, phi], Y[r, u, phi], Z[r, u]}

Coords[n_] := SetPrecision[Flatten[Table[Shell[#1, #2, #3] &[
    Random[BetaDistribution[alpha, beta]],
    Random[Real, {-1, 1}],
    Random[Real, {0, 2Pi}]
], {n}], 0], CoordinatesPrecision]

This code defines "n" points inside an oblate sphere. If "n" is large, I get an uniform distribution of points, without any internal filaments-like structures.

How can I distribute the "n" points so they form "N" filaments inside the sphere, of random lenght and randomly oriented ? There should be some parameters which specify the mean number "p" of points for each filament, so approximately n = p * N.

A picture of the Crab nebula (Messier 1)


Just some precision : I would like to reproduce very qualitatively the Crab nebula as a 3D object made of points, with definite cartesian coordinates X, Y, Z. The code should be compatible with Mathematica 7.0.

The features which are desired are the long filaments structures inside the nebula.

Ideally, I would like to define a statistical distribution of variables X, Y, Z that could generate some random filaments with voids between them.


Here's a part of the code I'm now using to generate the models (the rest of the code isn't relevant here). Thanks a lot to all who responded, and thanks to Simon Woods, from whom that code was done ! I still have some issues, however (see below) :

InternalColor := RGBColor[0.2, 0.55, 0.8, 0.6]; (* color at the center of the nebula *)
MiddleColor := RGBColor[0.4, 0.6, 0.4, 1]; (* color of transition to the exterior part *)
ExternalColor := RGBColor[0.9, 0.3, 0.4, 0.4]; (* color of the exterior part *)
MinRadius := 0.00; (* min radius of distribution *)
MaxRadius := 1.00; (* max radius of distribution *)
MinSprite := 0.003; (* min radius of sprites *)
MaxSprite := 0.07; (* max radius of sprites *)
Oblateness := 0.8; (* oblateness of the spherical distribution *)
CoordinatesPrecision := 8;
NumberOfVoids := 1000;
NumberOfPoints := 20000;

SpriteSize[r_] := MinSprite + (MaxSprite - MinSprite)(r - MinRadius)/(MaxRadius - MinRadius);

voidpts = Select[RandomReal[{-1, 1}, {NumberOfVoids, 3}], MinRadius <= Norm[#/{1, 1, Oblateness}] <= MaxRadius &];
pts = Select[RandomReal[{-1, 1}, {NumberOfPoints, 3}], MinRadius <= Norm[#/{1, 1, Oblateness}] <= MaxRadius &];
nf = Nearest[voidpts];

pts = ParallelMap[Nest[0.9975 (# + 0.01 (# - First@nf[#])) &, #, 100] &, pts];

SpriteColor = Blend[{InternalColor, MiddleColor, ExternalColor}, #] &;
PlotColor = ColorData["SunsetColors"];

Graphics3D[{PointSize[0.005], {PlotColor[Norm[1.3 #]], Sphere[#, 0.005]} & /@ pts}, Boxed -> False, Background -> Black, Lighting -> "Neutral", SphericalRegion -> True]

Filaments = Join[#, {SpriteSize[Norm[#]]}, List@@SpriteColor[1.3 Norm[#]]] &/@pts;
FilamentsData := SetPrecision[Flatten[Filaments, 0], CoordinatesPrecision]

This code is slow. Is there a way to improve it ?

More importantly, I'm having an issue with the number of points generated at the intersection of several filaments : there's too much points accumulated there, and this is a problem for rendering in Celestia (too much sprites at the same location is ugly). Is there a way to reduce or dilute these points ?

Very important : I need to add a constraint on the shortest distance between two points : it shouldn't be smaller than the local sprite size. How can I add this constraint to the iteration process ?

  • 3
    $\begingroup$ What, precisely, should a "filament" be? It sounds like you are implicitly asking us a cosmology question here: until we have a theory of the genesis or morphology of filaments in nebulae, what scientific or mathematical basis can we possibly adduce to answer this question? At best all we can do at this point is offer "solutions" that qualitatively appear to be like some images you have offered, but then the question devolves into one of reproducing an artistic image and scarcely could be said to have an objective answer. $\endgroup$
    – whuber
    Commented Mar 8, 2013 at 15:23
  • 4
    $\begingroup$ @Cham The problem with your question is that, at this stage, it doesn't have much to do with Mathematica. First you'd need to come up with some ideas on how to do it in theory, and then ask about how to implement that in Mathematica. But I imagine people may get excited by this question so there may be answers. Still, it would be useful to mention some ideas about how to do it first. Have you googled for this? I found this blog post (the title is misleading, it's not physical simulation, just art) $\endgroup$
    – Szabolcs
    Commented Mar 8, 2013 at 17:14
  • 2
    $\begingroup$ @whuber Filamentation in a supernova remnant like the Crab would mostly be caused by the Rayleigh-Taylor instability. In fact, the Wikipedia article on the Rayleigh-Taylor instability begins with the exact same picture of the Crab. It probably isn't worth it to do some kind of 3D fluid simulation just to make something that looks nice though - I think that Szabolc's idea of using DLA is a good one. $\endgroup$
    – KAI
    Commented Mar 8, 2013 at 19:52
  • 2
    $\begingroup$ @whuber It would be interesting to see if a fluid dynamical simulation could give anything reasonable, but this is definitely not something easy with instabilities present ... also, for actually modelling a nebula one should use relativistic fluid dynamics, which brings its own very special can of worms and stability problems. But this is just a side comment. $\endgroup$
    – Szabolcs
    Commented Mar 8, 2013 at 20:03
  • 5
    $\begingroup$ @whuber I think the entire question could be written in shorthand as "how can I produce images similar to this, without numerically solving for the dynamical evolution of the nebulae"... However, I do agree that the question does not clearly state which properties of that image are supposed to be reproduced. It seems underspecified. $\endgroup$
    – acl
    Commented Mar 8, 2013 at 21:59

5 Answers 5


Here is the modified version of Simon Woods answer. In my machine with 2 core, ParallelMap version is slower and you could gain a little bit of speed up by using compiled version of iteration:

voidpts = Select[RandomReal[{-1, 1}, {1000, 3}], Norm[#] <= 1 &];
pts = Select[RandomReal[{-1, 1}, {10000, 3}], Norm[#] <= 1 &];
nf = Nearest[voidpts];

cNest = Compile[{{x, _Real, 1}, {n, _Integer}}, 
         Block[{pt = x}, 
             Do[pt = 0.9975 (pt + 0.01 (pt - First@nf[pt])), {i, n}]; 
             pt], {{nf[_], _Real, 2}}];

The following is the timing I got:

In[75]:= pt1 = 
    ParallelMap[Nest[0.9975 (# + 0.01 (# - First@nf[#])) &, #, 100] &, 
     pts]; // AbsoluteTiming
Out[75]= {98.073226, Null}

In[85]:= pt2 = 
   Map[Nest[0.9975 (# + 0.01 (# - First@nf[#])) &, #, 100] &, 
    pts]; // AbsoluteTiming
Out[85]= {7.226970, Null}

In[86]:= pt3 = Map[cNest[#, 100] &, pts]; // AbsoluteTiming
Out[86]= {5.901947, Null}

In[80]:= pt1 == pt2 == pt3
Out[80]= True

I don't see the any reason to use Sphere, so I replace with Point to gain speed:

cf = ColorData["SunsetColors"]; 
     Point[pt1, VertexColors -> (cf[Norm[1.3 #]] & /@ pt1)]}, 
     Boxed -> False, SphericalRegion -> True, 
     ViewPoint -> {0.75, -0.75, 0.75}, ViewAngle -> 0.7, 
     Background -> Black]

enter image description here

To check how each iteration goes (for fun):

ptlist = Transpose[
      Map[NestList[0.9975 (# + 0.01 (# - First@nf[#])) &, #, 200] &, 

    VertexColors -> (cf[Norm[1.3 #]] & /@ ptlist[[i]])]}, 
    Boxed -> False, SphericalRegion -> True, 
    ViewPoint -> {0.75, -0.75, 0.75}, ViewAngle -> 0.7, 
    Background -> Black, PlotRange -> {-1.5, 1.5}], 
 {i, 1, Length[ptlist], 1}]
  • $\begingroup$ Nice observation! ParallelMap is slower for me too, I didn't think to check. Weird that Compile gives a speed up even though there is a call back to the kernel for the NearestFunction. $\endgroup$ Commented Mar 12, 2013 at 19:06
  • $\begingroup$ @halmir : in your code above, I don't see any definition of "npts". What is it ? I had to change it to "pts" to make the code working. It is MUCH faster now, by the way. $\endgroup$
    – Cham
    Commented Mar 12, 2013 at 19:51
  • $\begingroup$ It was typo again. It meant to be pt1, pt2, or pt3. I fixed it. Sorry about that. $\endgroup$
    – halmir
    Commented Mar 12, 2013 at 20:33
  • $\begingroup$ @halmir : It's all good ! Thanks A LOT for your help, it's really appreciated ! The code is MUCH faster than the previous version. $\endgroup$
    – Cham
    Commented Mar 12, 2013 at 20:51
  • $\begingroup$ Now we just need to get this up to 10 votes, so Simon can get a gold badge. Everyone needs more gold. :) $\endgroup$
    – rcollyer
    Commented Mar 12, 2013 at 20:54

Here's an attempt in which I start with a set of "void points", which will be the centres of the gaps between filaments. The stars are then created as an initially random distribution, and are repeatedly nudged away from their nearest void point. Or, to look at it another way, they are attracted towards the edges of the Voronoi cells defined by the void points. There is also a contraction at each iteration to prevent stars from escaping towards infinity.

Update: My original code used ParallelMap which turned out to be considerably slower than plain old Map. Thanks to @halmir for pointing that out. I should have checked. Following that observation, a couple of other optimisations emerged. The updated code below includes simplification of the filamentation function using Expand, and performs each iteration step on all the points at once (where the original code did the full set of iterations on each point in turn). Finally, I have used ParallelTable to distribute the calculation across all the CPU cores (and this time I have checked that it is faster that way...) The filementation code now runs in a couple of seconds on my 4-core machine.

A bit more explanation as requested:

In the code below the first two lines create random points in the sphere (actually it would be better to use the OP's Coords function in the question for this bit, as it provides better control of the point density).

The function f embodies the the filamentation. At each step, each point in pts moves 1% further away from its nearest void point (the 0.01) and then 0.25% closer to the origin (the 0.9975). This is repeated 200 times for each point.

The filamentation process reduces the size of the point cloud from the initial radius of 1 to something around 0.75. In the Graphics3D output the points are coloured according to their distance from the origin, the factor of 1.3 in the colour function is simply to there to compensate for the contraction.

voidpts = Select[RandomReal[{-1, 1}, {1000, 3}], Norm[#] <= 1 &];
pts = Select[RandomReal[{-1, 1}, {10000, 3}], Norm[#] <= 1 &];
nf = Nearest[voidpts];

f = Evaluate[Expand[0.9975 (#1 + 0.01 (#1 - #2))]] &;

DistributeDefinitions[nf, f];
pts = Developer`ToPackedArray @ Drop[pts, Length[pts] ~ Mod ~ $KernelCount];

pts = Join @@ ParallelTable[Nest[f[#, (nf /@ #)[[All, 1]]] &, p, 200],
    {p, Partition[pts, Length[pts]/$KernelCount]}];

cf = ColorData["SunsetColors"];
Graphics3D[{PointSize[0.005], {cf[Norm[1.3 #]], Sphere[#, 0.005]} & /@ pts}, 
  Boxed -> False, Background -> Black, Lighting -> "Neutral", 
  SphericalRegion -> True, ViewPoint -> {0.75, -0.75, 0.75}, ViewAngle -> 0.7]

enter image description here

In principle you could muck around with the initial distribution of void points to get larger voids and better defined filaments in the centre, as appears to be the case in the original image. Unfortunately the code is rather slow so it's not much fun to experiment with.

Here's the gratuitous animation:

enter image description here

To create an ouput list of the form {{X1, Y1, Z1, R1, G1, B1}, {X2, Y2, Z2, R2, G2, B2}, {X3, Y3, Z3, R3, G3, B3}, ...} you could do something like:

coords = Join[#, List @@ cf[1.3 Norm[#]]] & /@ pts;
  • 2
    $\begingroup$ that's pretty neat! It s also actually close to how large scale structure filaments are gravitationally generated. $\endgroup$
    – chris
    Commented Mar 9, 2013 at 16:43
  • $\begingroup$ The end result is very nice (+1) - and it shows you don't have to be physically accurate to get realistic looking output. That's how I understood the question: get something realistic without doing a full ab-initio simulation. $\endgroup$
    – Jens
    Commented Mar 9, 2013 at 16:56
  • $\begingroup$ MY GOD ! This is what I need ! I'll try the code in the following minutes, trying to understand it ! 8*) $\endgroup$
    – Cham
    Commented Mar 9, 2013 at 17:22
  • $\begingroup$ I now have tons of questions about this (LOL). The code is working in Mma 7.0, but I don't see any filaments yet. It's just a large sphere of random balls. Also, how can I extract the cartesian coordinates and the color as RGB numbers ? $\endgroup$
    – Cham
    Commented Mar 9, 2013 at 17:27
  • $\begingroup$ @Simon Woods : Sorry if I'm such a noob, but I need some explanations for the various parameters in the code above. I'm yet unable to see any filaments structures ; I'm getting random balls scatered in a large sphere. A few more questions : how can we make the whole distribution oblate ? It needs an oblateness parameter to squash the sphere like the Crab nebula. Also, I need to extract the data to a text file, into a list of cartesian coordinates followed by the RGB numbers. Is it possible for you to show a complete Mma7.0 code with comments, so we could understand the parameters ? $\endgroup$
    – Cham
    Commented Mar 9, 2013 at 17:43

Update 2021

Astronomers have actually done the job for you with the real crab nebula:


enter image description here

This movie (be a bit patient) allows you to rotate around the observed nebulae as described here

If you use this code take the hessian of it and plot the map of the largest eigenvalues you get a nice filamentary map like the bottom right panel.

Mathematica graphics

see this reference (specifically pp 28 of the phd).

In mathematica it can be coded as follows

 nn = 256;u = GaussianRandomField[nn, 2, Function[k, k^-4]]//GaussianFilter[#, 4] & // Chop;
  Clear[f]; f[x_, y_] = ListInterpolation[u][x, y];
  Clear[d2f]; d2f[x_, y_] = {{D[f[x, y], {x, 2}],
        D[f[x, y], x, y]}, {D[f[x, y], x, y], D[f[x, y], {y, 2}]}};
  h = Table[d2f[x, y], {x, nn}, {y, nn}];
  ee = Table[Eigenvalues[h[[i, j, All, All]]], {i, nn}, {j, nn}];
  ee = Map[Max, Abs[ee], {2}];
  ee[[1 ;; nn - 1, 1 ;; nn - 1]] // Image // ImageAdjust


Mathematica graphics

Removing the Abs for nn=512 yields

Mathematica graphics

Varying the power law and the smoothing would allow you to produce e.g.

Mathematica graphics

and if you mix the result of 3 such images

Transpose[{ee1, ee2, ee3}, {3, 1, 2}] // Image // ImageAdjust

Mathematica graphics

The same applies in 3D

nn = 64; u = GaussianRandomField[nn, 3, Function[k, k^-3]]//GaussianFilter[#, 6] & // Chop; 
Clear[f]; f[x_, y_, z_] = ListInterpolation[u][x, y, z];
Clear[d2f]; d2f[x_, y_, z_] = {
  {D[f[x, y, z], x, x], D[f[x, y, z], x, y], 
   D[f[x, y, z], x, z]}, {D[f[x, y, z], x, y], D[f[x, y, z], y, y], 
   D[f[x, y, z], y, z]},
  {D[f[x, y, z], x, z], D[f[x, y, z], y, z], D[f[x, y, z], z, z]}};
h = Table[d2f[x, y, z], {x, nn}, {y, nn}, {z, nn}];

ee = Table[
   Eigenvalues[h[[i, j, k, All, All]]], {i, nn}, {j, nn}, {k, nn}];
ee = Map[Max, ee, {3}];

If we look at a slice in 3D

 ImageAdjust@Image3D[Exp[ee/StandardDeviation[Flatten[ee]]], Background -> Black]

Mathematica graphics


Let us explore another venue, just because this is how cosmologist generate initial conditions for simulations. Let us generate a displacement field corresponding to the gradient of a Gaussian Random field:

nn = 256; u = 
 GaussianRandomField[nn, 2, Function[k, k^-4]] // 
   GaussianFilter[#, 4] & // Chop;
Clear[f]; f[x_, y_] = ListInterpolation[u][x, y];
df[x_, y_] = {D[f[x, y], x], D[f[x, y], y]};
g = Table[df[x, y], {x, nn}, {y, nn}]; g /= Max[g];
grid = Outer[{#1, #2} &, Range[nn], Range[nn]];
Map[Point, grid + g*15, {2}] // 
 Graphics[{AbsolutePointSize[0.1], #}] &

Mathematica graphics

and in 3D

nn = 32; u = GaussianRandomField[nn, 3, Function[k, k^-4]] //GaussianFilter[#, 4] & // Chop;
Clear[f]; f[x_, y_, z_] = ListInterpolation[u][x, y, z];
df[x_, y_, z_] = {D[f[x, y, z], x], D[f[x, y, z], y], D[f[x, y, z], z]};
g = Table[df[x, y, z], {x, nn}, {y, nn}, {z, nn}]; g /= Max[g];
grid = Table[{i, j, k}, {i, nn}, {j, nn}, {k, nn}];
Map[Point, grid + g*8, {2}] // Graphics3D[{AbsolutePointSize[0.1], #}] &

Mathematica graphics

Or to make it look good borrowing Simon's graphics primitive

cf = ColorData["SunsetColors"]
Graphics3D[{PointSize[0.1], {cf[#[[2]]/nn], Sphere[#, 0.2]} & /@ pts}, 
Boxed -> False, Background -> Black, Lighting -> "Neutral", SphericalRegion -> True]

Mathematica graphics

Now the above code is fast (and could be made faster while using FFT to compute the gradients).

Note that we can remove the regular low density region points as follows

 pts = MapThread[If[Norm[#1] > 1/3, 15 #1 + #2, {}] &, {g, grid}, 2] //
  Flatten[#, 1] & // Union // Rest;
 Map[Point, pts] // Graphics[{AbsolutePointSize[0.1], #}] &

Mathematica graphics


If I steal the set of points from Simon above (I hope he doesn't mind!) and trace its 3D skeleton I get this (So the credit to this method lies with Simon Woods and Thierry Sousbie)

Mathematica graphics

or changing the so called level of persistence and increasing the number of drawn points in Simon's code:

Mathematica graphics

And its really 3D :-)

enter image description here

Note that the original 2D image can be analysed directly by the skeleton, channel per channel,

Mathematica graphics

which demonstrates that the filamentary structure is colour dependent, but I guess I am getting over-carried! :-)


To answer the OP, the skeleton is not currently implemented in mathematica. The closest current implementation is watershading:

nn = 512; u0 =  GaussianRandomField[nn, 2, Function[k, k^-3]]//GaussianFilter[#, 3] & // Chop;
u = u0 // GaussianFilter[#, 8] & // Chop;
Clear[f]; f[x_, y_] = ListInterpolation[u][x, y];
df[x_, y_] = {D[f[x, y], x], D[f[x, y], y]};
g = Table[df[x, y] // Sqrt[#.#] &, {x, nn}, {y, nn}];
im0 = u0 // Image;im1 = g // Image // WatershedComponents // Image;
ImageMultiply[im1, im0] // ImageAdjust

Mathematica graphics

May be in version 10 ;-)

  • $\begingroup$ Is it going to be filamental in 3D as well? $\endgroup$
    – Szabolcs
    Commented Mar 8, 2013 at 19:58
  • $\begingroup$ actually not as much as I anticipated ;-) $\endgroup$
    – chris
    Commented Mar 8, 2013 at 22:38
  • $\begingroup$ Then how can you built a 3D distribution of simple points (i.e. cartesian coordinates) with this ? $\endgroup$
    – Cham
    Commented Mar 9, 2013 at 0:08
  • $\begingroup$ The fibers density is much too high. There should be plenty of room (voids) between the filaments. From the codes above, is it possible to define a statistical distribution for some random X, Y, Z cartesian coordinates in 3D space ? $\endgroup$
    – Cham
    Commented Mar 9, 2013 at 0:43
  • 2
    $\begingroup$ @Szabolcs once it is not buggy anymore it is fairly filamentary in 3D. (I had an spurious Abs[ee] in the previous version). It has to be in a way because my colleagues use it to delineate cosmic filaments. $\endgroup$
    – chris
    Commented Mar 9, 2013 at 22:19

Since others have tried their luck, I couldn't resist adding this very simple approach:

na = 50;
n = 400;
xmin = -200;
xmax = 200;
ymin = xmin;
ymax = xmax;
k = Map[{Cos[#], Sin[#]} &, RandomReal[{-Pi, Pi}, na]];
\[Phi] = RandomReal[{-Pi, Pi}, na];
grid = Tuples[
   Range[#1, #2, (#2 - #1)/(n - 1)] & @@@ {{xmin, xmax}, {ymin, 
field = Plus @@ MapThread[Sin[ grid.# + #2] &, {k, \[Phi]}];
 Colorize[Image[Rescale@Partition[Abs[field], n]], 
  ColorFunction -> GrayLevel], 4]


A reference for this idea is here. I made it simpler to produce a nice effect while working purely with real-valued functions on a grid. The parameter na sets the number of randomly chosen plane wave directions and phases which are then superimposed and plotted on a grid of size n. The dimensions xmin etc. are chosen to make the wavelength short compared to the plot range, so that a Gaussian filter can average out the short wavelength nodal structure and leave only the filaments.

On my machine AbsoluteTiming yields 0.12 for the above plot.

  • $\begingroup$ If you generalize it to 3D, are the filaments still going to be 1D (not 2D) structures? $\endgroup$
    – Szabolcs
    Commented Mar 9, 2013 at 5:24
  • $\begingroup$ I don't think you get this much structure in 3D. All the interesting examples for filaments that I recall are 2D types of waves. I don't think I'll try to give an answer for 3D because it's too open-ended. $\endgroup$
    – Jens
    Commented Mar 9, 2013 at 6:11

Update: The idea below is not very good because it makes surfaces instead of filaments and does not create a fractal-like structure.

Another idea would be to make use a process called diffusion limited aggregation. It is easy to simulate (though Mathematica will probably be slow for a 3D simulation), and it is often the process behind fractal like filaments you find in nature (such as the patterns you get when you press together two sheets of glass with a viscous liquid inbetween, then pull them apart, ice flowers on the window in the winter, and some tree like thing produced by some precipitation reactions. Unfortunately I must run now, so no time to say more.

This is a 10000-point 3D DLA result with an initial condition of a point in the middle:

Mathematica graphics

Here's a compiled function for a DLA simulation:

cf = Compile[{{in, _Integer, 3}, {steps, _Integer, 
    2}, {start, _Integer, 1}, {count, _Integer}},
  Module[{prevpos = start, pos = start, xmax, ymax, zmax, arr = in},
   {xmax, ymax, zmax} = Dimensions[arr];
    pos = start;
     1 <= pos[[1]] <= xmax && 1 <= pos[[2]] <= ymax && 
      1 <= pos[[3]] <= zmax &&

      arr[[pos[[1]], pos[[2]], pos[[3]]]] == 0,
     prevpos = pos;
     pos += RandomChoice[steps]
    If[1 <= pos[[1]] <= xmax && 1 <= pos[[2]] <= ymax && 
      1 <= pos[[3]] <= zmax,
     arr[[prevpos[[1]], prevpos[[2]], prevpos[[3]]]] = 1],

  {{pos, _Integer, 1}, {prevpos, _Integer, 1}},
  CompilationTarget -> "C", RuntimeOptions -> "Speed"

steps = Select[Tuples[{-1, 0, 1}, {3}], 0 < Norm[#] < Sqrt[3] &]

(* careful, computation time proportional to between n^5 - n^6 *)
n = 50;

ini = DiskMatrix[n {1, 1, 1}, 2 n + 3] - 
   DiskMatrix[(n - 2) {1, 1, 1}, 2 n + 3];


AbsoluteTiming[res = cf[ini, steps, {n, n, n} + 1, 300000];]

(* works only in v9: *)
 Image3D[res - ini, ColorFunction -> (GrayLevel[1 - #, .1 #] &), 
  SphericalRegion -> True]

(* from here it works in v7 *)
pts = Position[res - ini, 1];

(* shuffle around the points a bit to get rid of the grid effect *)
rpts = RandomVariate[NormalDistribution[0, .2], Dimensions[pts]] + pts;

max = Max[Norm[# - {n, n, n} - 2] & /@ rpts]

Graphics3D[{Opacity[.2], {ColorData["RedBlueTones"][
      1 - Norm[# - {n, n, n} - 2]/max], Point[#]} & /@ 
   Select[rpts, Norm[# - {n, n, n} - 2] < n - 10 &]}, Boxed -> False, 
 SphericalRegion -> True, Background -> Black]

This is a 2D DLS result with a spherical seed and some colouring:

Mathematica graphics

This might be a start for generating filaments (it's not meant as a final answer):

size = 120;
scale = 7;

      LowpassFilter[RandomReal[{-1, 1}, {size, size, size}], 
       1/scale])[[scale ;; -scale, scale ;; -scale, scale ;; -scale]],
    ColorFunction -> (GrayLevel[#, 0.05 #] &), Background -> Black]

After obtaining the image, I adjusted the gamma a bit interactively (right click, adjust image):

Mathematica graphics

The idea was to create a random image with values between {-1,1}, apply a low-pass filter, then take the absolute value as described here to create filaments.

This has two problems: 1. it appears to have more 2D surfaces than true 1D filaments. 2. it doesn't show the fractal like structure that we see in the Crab nebula image, i.e. that there are filaments at every size scale.

Note to others: feel free to borrow anything from here for your own answer (if you find this of use).

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ My god, it's full of stars! $\endgroup$
    – cormullion
    Commented Mar 8, 2013 at 18:08
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Of course this has nothing to do with astronomy, it's just making pretty pictures! $\endgroup$
    – Szabolcs
    Commented Mar 8, 2013 at 18:12
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ as an astronomer, I would point out that your crab nebula is a bit squarish to be realistic ;-) $\endgroup$
    – chris
    Commented Mar 8, 2013 at 19:00
  • $\begingroup$ @chri that was just for the filaments, a merely a sub-problem $\endgroup$
    – Szabolcs
    Commented Mar 8, 2013 at 19:26
  • $\begingroup$ I'm unable to compile the code above in Mathematica 7.0. $\endgroup$
    – Cham
    Commented Mar 9, 2013 at 0:10

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