Take a small dataset, for example a sample of the Titanic data:
ds=Dataset@{<|"PassengerId" -> 1, "Survived" -> 0, "Pclass" -> 3,
"Name" -> "Braund, Mr. Owen Harris", "Sex" -> "male", "Age" -> 22,
"SibSp" -> 1, "Parch" -> 0, "Ticket" -> "A/5 21171", "Fare" -> 7.25,
"Cabin" -> "", "Embarked" -> "S"|>, <|"PassengerId" -> 2,
"Survived" -> 1, "Pclass" -> 1,
"Name" -> "Cumings, Mrs. John Bradley (Florence Briggs Thayer)",
"Sex" -> "female", "Age" -> 38, "SibSp" -> 1, "Parch" -> 0,
"Ticket" -> "PC 17599", "Fare" -> 71.2833, "Cabin" -> "C85",
"Embarked" -> "C"|>, <|"PassengerId" -> 3, "Survived" -> 1,
"Pclass" -> 3, "Name" -> "Heikkinen, Miss. Laina",
"Sex" -> "female", "Age" -> 26, "SibSp" -> 0, "Parch" -> 0,
"Ticket" -> "STON/O2. 3101282", "Fare" -> 7.925, "Cabin" -> "",
"Embarked" -> "S"|>, <|"PassengerId" -> 4, "Survived" -> 1,
"Pclass" -> 1,
"Name" -> "Futrelle, Mrs. Jacques Heath (Lily May Peel)",
"Sex" -> "female", "Age" -> 35, "SibSp" -> 1, "Parch" -> 0,
"Ticket" -> 113803, "Fare" -> 53.1, "Cabin" -> "C123",
"Embarked" -> "S"|>, <|"PassengerId" -> 5, "Survived" -> 0,
"Pclass" -> 3, "Name" -> "Allen, Mr. William Henry",
"Sex" -> "male", "Age" -> 35, "SibSp" -> 0, "Parch" -> 0,
"Ticket" -> 373450, "Fare" -> 8.05, "Cabin" -> "",
"Embarked" -> "S"|>}
I want to extract, for example, the age of a particular passenger. I can group by name:
But trying to extract the age of a given passenger with
dsName[["Heikkinen, Miss. Laina","Age"]]
results in an error message. What is the correct way of doing this?