
I have a function f1 with three inputs: x1,y1,z1. I have written this in standard form as

f1[x1, y1, z1] 

I wanted to convert to Infix form so I did

Infix[f1[x1, y1, z1]]

Now I wanted to convert it back to StandardForm so I did

StandardForm[Infix[f1[x1, y1, z1]]]

It is not returning back this

 f1[x1, y1, 1z] 

Instead, it is giving me this


I'm expecting StandarForm and Infix functions need to be kind of inverse of each other.

     f1[x1, y1, z1]]]]]

I thought that the output of the above should be

 f1[x1, y1, z1] 

But it is not. Why? What concept I'm missing here?

  • $\begingroup$ Infix[f[x,y,z]]; StandardForm[%] works. $\endgroup$
    – Alx
    Commented Oct 11, 2019 at 14:57
  • $\begingroup$ It is not working in 11.0 version $\endgroup$ Commented Oct 13, 2019 at 4:49

1 Answer 1


First of all, Infix isn't a function: it just a formatting wrapper which affects printing, but not evaluation (like NumberForm, InputForm etc.):

Infix[f1[x1, y1, z1]]

x1 ~f1~ y1 ~f1~ z1

% // FullForm
Infix[f1[x1, y1, z1]]

Likewize StandardForm is also just a wrapper with the only difference that it is stripped off if the output is printed:

sf = StandardForm[f1[x1, y1, z1]]
f1[x1, y1, z1]
% // FullForm
sf // FullForm
f1[x1, y1, z1]
StandardForm[f1[x1, y1, z1]]

Secondly, the generated infix form is't equivalent to the original expression as one can easily see by copying it and evaluating:

x1 ~f1~ y1 ~f1~ z1
f1[f1[x1, y1], z1]

But since this infix form is just a display form and the Kernel still keeps the original expression simply wrapped with Infix, you can easily get it back in the StandardForm just by replacing the Head by StandardForm:

StandardForm @@ Infix[f1[x1, y1, z1]]
f1[x1, y1, z1]

... or just by removing the Infix Head:

Infix[f1[x1, y1, z1]]
% // First

x1 ~f1~ y1 ~f1~ z1

f1[x1, y1, z1]

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