I have a function f1
with three inputs: x1
. I have written this in standard form as
f1[x1, y1, z1]
I wanted to convert to Infix
form so I did
Infix[f1[x1, y1, z1]]
Now I wanted to convert it back to StandardForm
so I did
StandardForm[Infix[f1[x1, y1, z1]]]
It is not returning back this
f1[x1, y1, 1z]
Instead, it is giving me this
I'm expecting StandarForm
and Infix
functions need to be kind of inverse of each other.
f1[x1, y1, z1]]]]]
I thought that the output of the above should be
f1[x1, y1, z1]
But it is not. Why? What concept I'm missing here?
Infix[f[x,y,z]]; StandardForm[%]
works. $\endgroup$