Here is a difficult running example:
f[x_, y_] := Abs[x + y]^(1/2) Cos[x^2 + y^2/2]^2;
Plot3D[f[x, y], {x, -2, 2}, {y, -2, 2}, Boxed -> False]
I interpret the question in this way: given a value $z$ in the range of $f$, we need to be able to compute the integral of $f$ over the set of $R_z=\{(x,y)\ |\ f(x,y) \le z\}$. Here is a general way:
i[f_, z_, xlim_: {-Infinity, Infinity}, ylim_: {-Infinity, Infinity}] :=
Block[{x, y, g = Function[{x, y}, u = f[x, y]; u Boole[u <= z]]},
Chop[NIntegrate[g[x, y], Evaluate@Prepend[xlim, x], Evaluate@Prepend[ylim, y]]]];
Its arguments are $f$, $z$, and the endpoints of a rectangle containing the domain of $f$ (defaulting to all of $\mathbb{R}^2$. For example,
i[f, 0.5, {-2, 2}, {-2, 2}]
returns $1.69395$, which is the numerical estimate of the integral $\int_{R_{0.5}} f(x,y) dx dy$.
The question asks how to invert $i$. To this end, let's compute the values of $i(f,z)$ for a carefully chosen range of values of $z$ matching the characteristics of $f$ (as gleaned by inspecting the preceding plot):
x = Range[2/10, 13/10, 1/10]^1.5;
data = ParallelMap[i[f, #, {-2, 2}, {-2, 2}] &, x]
Because $f$ is a somewhat difficult function to integrate, this takes some time and raises a lot of warnings. You can improve the accuracy according to needs and time available. But let's continue. Here is what we just computed:
Show[ListPlot[{x, data}\[Transpose], Joined -> True, PlotStyle -> Thick],
ListPlot[{x, data}\[Transpose], PlotStyle -> PointSize[0.015]]]
That's smooth enough for this illustration; here's the interpolating function of its inverse:
h = Interpolation[{data, x}\[Transpose]]
With it we can quickly produce any of the desired contours. Here, we show them for $z=1,2,\ldots, 7$:
ContourPlot[f[x, y], {x, -2, 2}, {y, -2, 2}, Contours -> h /@ Range[1, 7]]
The contours themselves are labeled (as tooltips, not visible in this figure) with the $h(z_i)$, giving the height cutoff for $f$ corresponding to each contour.
Obviously there are some errors near the extreme values of $z$, related to the finite accuracy with which the integrals have been computed. Recompute them with higher accuracy if desired. For $f$ with sufficiently simple expressions, NIntegrate
can be replaced by Integrate
in i
to achieve perfect accuracy and the interpolation in h
can even be replaced by a call to Solve