I've got a simple interpolation function using data from an external program. For values above 3,000, the function reaches a limit.
FreeElectronFractionData = {{3000.000, 1.0829044}, {2999.700, 1.0828636}, {2999.400, 1.0828634}, {2999.100, 1.0828633}, ... {2.701, 0.0000003}, {2.401, 0.0000003}, {2.101, 0.0000003}, {1.801, 0.0000003}, {1.501, 0.0000003}, {1.201, 0.0000003}, {0.901, 0.0000003}, {0.601, 0.0000003}, {0.301, 0.0000003}, {0.000, 0.0000003}};
FreeElectronFraction := Interpolation[FreeElectronFractionData];
When I give the FreeElectronFraction function a value greater than 3,000, I get the message:
Input value {4000} lies outside the range of data in the interpolating function. Extrapolation will be used.
I don't want this. I know that anything over 3,000 has a value of 1.0829. What I want is something like:
FreeElectronFractionData = {{∞, 1.0829044}, {3000.000, 1.0829044}, {2999.700, 1.0828636}, ...
But $\infty$ doesn't appear to be a real number, so Mathematica rejects it. How do you handle the case of a simple interpolation of a data set with a limit?