I am exploring colossally abundant numbers; in particular the set of specific 'critical epsilon values'. I table the function DivisorSigma[1, n]/n^(1 + \[Epsilon])
against n
and the first few critical values of \[Epsilon]
colossalTable1 = TableForm[
Table[N[DivisorSigma[1, n]/n^(1 + \[Epsilon])],
{n, 1, 60}, {\[Epsilon], {Log[3/2]/Log[2],
Log[4/3]/Log[3], Log[7/6]/Log[2],
Log[6/5]/Log[5], Log[15/14]/Log[2],
Log[13/12]/Log[3], Log[31/30]/Log[2]}}]]
What I would like is for the maximum value(s) in each column to be automatically styled Bold
. (It needs to be an automatic process, because I may choose to expand the extent of the rows and columns.)