
I am exploring colossally abundant numbers; in particular the set of specific 'critical epsilon values'. I table the function DivisorSigma[1, n]/n^(1 + \[Epsilon]) against n and the first few critical values of \[Epsilon] thus:

colossalTable1 = TableForm[
  Table[N[DivisorSigma[1, n]/n^(1 + \[Epsilon])], 
   {n, 1, 60}, {\[Epsilon], {Log[3/2]/Log[2], 
    Log[4/3]/Log[3], Log[7/6]/Log[2], 
    Log[6/5]/Log[5], Log[15/14]/Log[2], 
    Log[13/12]/Log[3], Log[31/30]/Log[2]}}]]

What I would like is for the maximum value(s) in each column to be automatically styled Bold. (It needs to be an automatic process, because I may choose to expand the extent of the rows and columns.)



3 Answers 3


I would define the table without TableForm like so.

colossalTable1 = Table[N[DivisorSigma[1, n]/n^(1 + \[Epsilon])], {n, 1, 10},
{\[Epsilon],{Log[3/2]/Log[2], Log[4/3]/Log[3],Log[7/6]/Log[2],Log[6/5]/Log[5],
 Log[15/14]/Log[2],Log[13/12]/Log[3], Log[31/30]/Log[2]}

Then find the column maximums and show them.

bold = If[MemberQ[Max /@ Transpose[colossalTable1], #1],Text[Style[#1, Bold]], #1] &;
TableForm[Map[bold, colossalTable1, {2}]]

enter image description here

If you don't want to repeat previous column maximums use this.

max = Max /@ Transpose[colossalTable1];
maxpos = Flatten[Table[Append[#, i] & /@ 
Position[colossalTable1[[All, i]], max[[i]]], {i, 1, Length@max}],1];
TableForm[MapAt[Text[Style[#, Bold]] &, colossalTable1, maxpos]]

enter image description here


Using color to make the highlighting more obvious:


highlight[m_?MatrixQ] := Module[
  {tr = Transpose@m, max, htr},
  htr = (max = Max@#;
        Position[#, max] :>
         Style[max, Red, Bold]]]) & /@ tr;

(colossalTable1 = Table[
    N[DivisorSigma[1, n]/n^(1 + ϵ)],
    {n, 1, 60},
    {ϵ, {Log[3/2]/Log[2], Log[4/3]/Log[3],
      Log[7/6]/Log[2], Log[6/5]/Log[5],
      Log[15/14]/Log[2], Log[13/12]/Log[3],

colossalTable1 // highlight // MatrixForm

enter image description here


I interpreted the spec a little differently than @PlatoManiac

colossalTable1 = Table[N[DivisorSigma[1, n]/n^(1 + \[Epsilon])],
    {n, 1, 60},
    {\[Epsilon], {Log[3/2]/Log[2], Log[4/3]/Log[3],
      Log[7/6]/Log[2], Log[6/5]/Log[5],
      Log[15/14]/Log[2], Log[13/12]/Log[3],
boldMax[l0_] := Block[
  m = Max[l0];
  (Text /@ l0) /. {Text[m] -> Text[Style[m, Bold]]}
Transpose[boldMax /@ Transpose[colossalTable1]] // TableForm

enter image description here


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