
I have a dataset with column and row keys:

dsA={<|"keyA" -> <|"key1" -> "a", "key2" -> "b"|>, 
  "keyB" -> <|"key1" -> "c", 
    "key2" -> "d"|>|>, <|"keyC" -> <|"key1" -> "a", "key2" -> "b"|>, 
  "keyB" -> <|"key1" -> "d", "key2" -> "f"|>|>}//Dataset

Because the row keys get in the way of a number of operations (such as joining with other datasets that might have a different number of rows), I want to change the dataset to the following form:

enter image description here

I asked this as an addendum to a different question, but so far no luck. I can create datasets of the values and the keys:

dsValues = dsA[Values]
dsKeys = dsA[Keys]

But I'm not sure how to put the dsKeys column in front of the dsValues table.


3 Answers 3

Map[KeyValueMap[<|"RowKeys" -> #, #2|>&]] @ dsA 

enter image description here


dsA[All, KeyValueMap[<|"RowKeys" -> #, #2|>&]]

same result


Like this:

dsA[Flatten, KeyValueMap[Prepend[#2, "keys" -> #] &]]



Thanks to @kglr and @Kuba for their correct answers--I post this longer response to highlight an issue with brackets in datasets that I wasn't aware of. Apparently, you can make datasets in a couple of different ways--with a leading { bracket or without. Let's say we have two datasets (slightly modified versions of the one from my original question):

dsBracket = {<|
    "keyA" -> <|"key1" -> "a", "key2" -> "b"|>, 
    "keyB" -> <|"key1" -> "c", "key2" -> "d"|>,
    "keyC" -> <|"key1" -> "a", "key2" -> "b"|>, 
    "keyD" -> <|"key1" -> "d", "key2" -> "f"|>|>} // Dataset


dsNoBracket = <|
   "keyA" -> <|"key1" -> "a", "key2" -> "b"|>, 
   "keyB" -> <|"key1" -> "c", "key2" -> "d"|>,
   "keyC" -> <|"key1" -> "a", "key2" -> "b"|>, 
   "keyD" -> <|"key1" -> "d", "key2" -> "f"|>|> // Dataset

Note that the only difference is the {} on dsBracket.

enter image description here

I didn't realize that my dataset was lacking that bracket because I imported data and manipulated it all within the dataset environment--I'd prefer to ignore the mess! The datasets SemanticImport with the {; the dataset first loses the curly brace when I SelectFirst the result of a GroupBy.

@Kuba's method works for dsBracket, but produces a failure for the dsNoBracket. With @kglr's answer, I realized something weird was happening. Here's what happens with and without the bracket (and my workaround for the issue):

enter image description here

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ you can use dsBracket[All,KeyValueMap[<|"RowKeys" -> #, #2|>&]] and dsNoBracket[KeyValueMap[<|"RowKeys" -> #, #2|>&]] for the two cases. $\endgroup$
    – kglr
    Commented Aug 6, 2019 at 21:46
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Well, you get what you asked for :) If the dataset structure is different then you need to adapt the solution. If you take a look at my and @kglr 's results with the original dsA you can apply Normal to see that our results differ. I added Flatten on purpose to get rid of nested lists. At the end the question is, what is your input and desired output exactly? $\endgroup$
    – Kuba
    Commented Aug 7, 2019 at 7:52

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