LearnDistribution has an option for RealNVP, which is directly training a neural network for the distribution. It also has an option for TargetDevice, however, it appears to do nothing. Take the following code:
digits08 = Cases[ResourceData["MNIST"], Except[_ -> 0]][[All, 1]];
ldtrial4 =
Method -> {"RealNVP", "NetworkDepth" -> 2,
"CouplingLayersNumber" -> 2, MaxTrainingRounds -> 100},
PerformanceGoal -> "DirectTraining",TargetDevice->"GPU"]
The progress paclet is reporting to me that it's using CPU, instead of GPU. If I try any NetTrain with TargetDevice GPU it works absolutely fine, but LearnDistribution for some reason is not. Is there a way around this? Is this happening on other people's machines?