I'm trying to numerically solve an integral in a specific region and then to visualize it as follows.
NIntegrate[1/Sqrt[r] - 1/Sqrt[l + r Sin[t]], {r, l, t} ∈
ImplicitRegion[r + l Sin[t] > 0 && l > 0 && r > 0, {r, l, t}]], {r,
0, 5}, {l, 0, 10}, {t, 0, pi/4}]
However, Mathematica complains that
: Numerical integration converging too slowly; suspect one of the following: singularity, value of the integration is 0, highly oscillatory integrand, or WorkingPrecision too small.
I basically tried to get rid of potential singularities by taking that specific integration region into account. Yet, I have no idea about the slow convergence of highly oscillatory integrand.
Edit 1: There is also another warning saying
NIntegrate::ncvb: NIntegrate failed to converge to prescribed accuracy after 27 recursive bisections in l near {r,l,t} = {0.184661,1.641681647898248*10^690538901,0.184661}. NIntegrate obtained 8.935806122974667*10^22717757165+31581.2 I and 2.096578395728379`15.954589770191005*^22717757166 for the integral and error estimates.
How can I fix these issues?
Edit 2: What I am actually looking for is the 3D plot corresponding to the following integral function F(l,\theta)
where r
is a fixed number (say, 10, or whatever). I am particularly in trouble to get rid of singularities and divergent subsets of the variable's domains.
? The syntax is wrong. (2)NIntegrate::slwcon
is a warning, not an error: If there are no other errors, then the integral evaluated fine. Are there other error messages? $\endgroup$l
(with a fixedr
). Considering I am not interested in infinity, can you please show me how to plot that integral function in terms ofl
? $\endgroup$