M1ParameterBigList = RandomVariate[
InverseWishartMatrixDistribution[10, IdentityMatrix[3]], {5, 100}];
rangeTrace = 5;
plotM1Data = ParallelTable[
ListPlot[M1ParameterBigList[[t, ;; , i, j]],
PlotLabel ->
"M" <> ToString[{i, j}] <> " Period - " <> ToString[t],
Joined -> True], {t, 1, rangeTrace}, {i, 1, 3}, {j, 1, 3}];
plotM1Traces =
GraphicsGrid[plotM1Data[[i]]], {i, 1, rangeTrace}]},
ImageSize -> {3500, 900}, ImagePadding -> All]
And the image I get it the following:
There are two 2 things I would like to change in the picture:
- The final picture is very small, nothing like what I see in the notebook. Can we make it bigger in the exported file?
- The labels of the upper graphs don't show up completely... I've tried using a different image size, but that will make the problem in point 1 even worse, I think...
Any help would be appreciated.
{j, 1, i}
as the last iterator inplotM1Data
(this seems to get rid of the second issue on version 12 / WolframCloud) $\endgroup$