Here's a picture of what I mean by a stacked bar chart:
Question: For the following GitHub repos:
- Organization1/Repo1 (branch: branch1)
- Organization2/Repo2 (branch: branch2)
How can one make a stacked bar chart of the commits per day? So if, i.e., on 2019-07-08 we had 2 commits in the first repo and 3 commits in the second repo, then the bar chart should show 5 total commits on that date segmented across the two repos.
It would be nice also if we could limit this to a single contributor (say with username contributor1
EDIT: I can use answers from elsewhere in this site to get part of this question answere, but not all of it. Suppose that we wish to pull data for
- WolframResearch/WolframClientForPython
- WolframResearch/WolframLanguageForJupyter
We can use
reposToAnalyze = {"WolframClientForPython",
ghs = Map[MakeGitHubDataObject["WolframResearch", #] &,
ghComposite = GitHubDataComposite[Unique[], ghs];
"Plot3D"["ProjectPlanes" -> True, "GlobalTimeOrder" -> False,
BoxRatios -> {1, 2, 2}, ImageSize -> {Automatic, 1000}]]
ghDLPlots =
Map[GitHubDateListPlot["WolframResearch", #,
PlotLabel -> Style[#, "Subsubtitle"],
FrameTicks -> {{All, All}, {Automatic, Automatic}},
AspectRatio -> 4] &, reposToAnalyze];
which yields:
Problems with this solution:
- There is no way (AFAIK) to get information on a particular branch (or for a particular contributor) using antononcube's (wonderful) library.
- The graphs are segmented, when I'd like to view these parts as a "whole" (I think the stacked bar chart is the best way to do this, unless I'm mistaken).
and theChartLayout
option. Then armed with that information, please give an explicit example (i.e., Mathematica code you've tried) if things still don't plot the way you want. Stacked bar charts are usually pretty poor at conveying the associated information:…. $\endgroup$