The way the code is written, you can neither exploit packed arrays nor any vectorization. There are two major reasons:
Using Rule
prevents using packed arrays since Rule
enforces symbolic computations. It is more efficient to feed SparseArray
with pat -> vals
, where pat
is a packed array of dimensions {nnz, 2}
of integers and vals
is a packed array of size {nnz}
is the number of rules).
Using Table
s; it is faster than filling arrays with Do
or For
loops but not as fast as using vectorized constructs such as Range
, ConstantArray
, or KroneckerProduct
. When things become too complicated to be sorted out by KroneckerProduct
, just compile the body of the Table
into a CompiledFunction
Just taking your code for specific values of im1
, and im2
. Let's see the timings.
SetSystemOptions["SparseArrayOptions" -> "TreatRepeatedEntries" -> Total];
r1 = r2 = 1.;
e = 0.1;
k1 = k2 = 50;
α12 = 0.5; α21 = 0.5;
m1 = m2 = 0.01;
n1max = 2 k1; n2max = 2 k2;
im1 = 10;
im2 = 10;
rules = Join[
Flatten[Table[{1 + n1 + (n1max + 1) n2, 1 + n1 + (n1max + 1) n2} -> -r1 n1 - im1 - (r1 n1 (n1 + α12 n2)/k1) + m1 n1 - r2 n2 - im2 - (r2 n2 (α21 n1 + n2)/k2) + m2 n2 - e, {n1, 0, n1max}, {n2, 0, n2max}]],
Flatten[Table[{2 + n1 + (n1max + 1) n2, 1 + n1 + (n1max + 1) n2} -> r1 n1 + im1, {n1, 0, n1max - 1}, {n2, 0, n2max}]],
Flatten[Table[{n1 + (n1max + 1) n2, 1 + n1 + (n1max + 1) n2} -> (r1 n1 (n1 + α12 n2)/k1) + m1 n1, {n1, 1, n1max}, {n2, 0, n2max}]],
Flatten[Table[{1 + n1 + (n1max + 1) (1 + n2), 1 + n1 + (n1max + 1) n2} -> r2 n2 + im2, {n1, 0, n1max}, {n2, 0, n2max - 1}]],
Flatten[Table[{1 + n1 + (n1max + 1) (-1 + n2), 1 + n1 + (n1max + 1) n2} -> (r2 n2 (α21 n1 + n2)/k2) + m2 n2, {n1, 0, n1max}, {n2, 1, n2max}]],
Table[{1 + (n1max + 1) n2, 1 + (n1max + 1) n2} -> -e, {n2, 1, n2max}],
Flatten[Table[{1, 1 + n1 + (n1max + 1) n2} -> e, {n1, 1, n1max}, {n2, 0, n2max}]],
Table[{1, 1 + (n1max + 1) n2} -> e, {n2, 1, n2max}]
]; // AbsoluteTiming // First
vals0 = Join[
Flatten[Table[-r1 n1 - im1 - (r1 n1 (n1 + α12 n2)/k1) + m1 n1 - r2 n2 - im2 - (r2 n2 (α21 n1 + n2)/k2) + m2 n2 - e, {n1, 0, n1max}, {n2, 0, n2max}]],
Flatten[Table[r1 n1 + im1, {n1, 0, n1max - 1}, {n2, 0, n2max}]],
Flatten[Table[(r1 n1 (n1 + α12 n2)/k1) + m1 n1, {n1, 1, n1max}, {n2, 0, n2max}]],
Flatten[Table[r2 n2 + im2, {n1, 0, n1max}, {n2, 0, n2max - 1}]],
Flatten[Table[(r2 n2 (α21 n1 + n2)/k2) + m2 n2, {n1, 0, n1max}, {n2, 1, n2max}]],
Table[-e, {n2, 1, n2max}],
Flatten[Table[e, {n1, 1, n1max}, {n2, 0, n2max}]],
Table[e, {n2, 1, n2max} ]
]; // AbsoluteTiming // First
A0 = SparseArray[
rules, {(n1max + 1) (n2max + 1), (n1max + 1) (n2max + 1)}, 0.]; //
AbsoluteTiming // First
Okay, here is
I optimized the creation of vals
and pat
only really crudely. There might be a good deal of more optimization available, in particular with more background info. (For example, you seem to do certain computations on a rectangular grid... Is there some geometry involved?)
First, a few compiled functions:
cf1 = Block[{n1, n2},
With[{code = -r1 n1 - (r1 n1 (n1 + α12 n2)/k1) + m1 n1 - r2 n2 - (r2 n2 (α21 n1 + n2)/k2) + m2 n2 - e},
Compile[{{n1, _Real}, {n2, _Real, 1}},
CompilationTarget -> "C",
RuntimeAttributes -> Listable,
Parallelization -> True
cf2 = Block[{n1, n2},
With[{code = (r1 n1 (n1 + α12 n2)/k1) + m1 n1},
Compile[{{n1, _Real}, {n2, _Real, 1}},
CompilationTarget -> "C",
RuntimeAttributes -> Listable,
Parallelization -> True
cf3 = Block[{n1, n2},
With[{code = (r2 n2 (α21 n1 + n2)/k2) + m2 n2},
Compile[{{n1, _Real}, {n2, _Real, 1}},
CompilationTarget -> "C",
RuntimeAttributes -> Listable,
Parallelization -> True
cg1 = Block[{n1, n2},
With[{code = {1 + n1 + (n1max + 1) n2, 1 + n1 + (n1max + 1) n2}},
Compile[{{n1, _Integer}, {n2, _Integer, 1}},
CompilationTarget -> "C",
RuntimeAttributes -> Listable,
Parallelization -> True
cg2 = Block[{n1, n2},
With[{code = {2 + n1 + (n1max + 1) n2, 1 + n1 + (n1max + 1) n2}},
Compile[{{n1, _Integer}, {n2, _Integer, 1}},
CompilationTarget -> "C",
RuntimeAttributes -> Listable,
Parallelization -> True
cg3 = Block[{n1, n2},
With[{code = {n1 + (n1max + 1) n2, 1 + n1 + (n1max + 1) n2}},
Compile[{{n1, _Integer}, {n2, _Integer, 1}},
CompilationTarget -> "C",
RuntimeAttributes -> Listable,
Parallelization -> True
cg4 = Block[{n1, n2},
With[{code = {1 + n1 + (n1max + 1) (1 + n2), 1 + n1 + (n1max + 1) n2}},
Compile[{{n1, _Integer}, {n2, _Integer, 1}},
CompilationTarget -> "C",
RuntimeAttributes -> Listable,
Parallelization -> True
cg5 = Block[{n1, n2},
With[{code = {1 + n1 + (n1max + 1) (-1 + n2), 1 + n1 + (n1max + 1) n2}},
Compile[{{n1, _Integer}, {n2, _Integer, 1}},
CompilationTarget -> "C",
RuntimeAttributes -> Listable,
Parallelization -> True
cg6 = Block[{n1, n2},
With[{code = n1max},
Compile[{{n1, _Integer}, {n2, _Integer, 1}},
{0 n2 + 1, 1 + n1 + (code + 1) n2},
CompilationTarget -> "C",
RuntimeAttributes -> Listable,
Parallelization -> True
Here the new timings:
n1range = Range[0., n1max];
n2range = Range[0., n2max];
pat = Join[
Flatten[Transpose[cg1[n1range, n2range], {1, 3, 2}], 1],
Flatten[Transpose[cg2[Most@n1range, n2range], {1, 3, 2}], 1],
Flatten[Transpose[cg3[Rest@n1range, n2range], {1, 3, 2}], 1],
Flatten[Transpose[cg4[n1range, Most@n2range], {1, 3, 2}], 1],
Flatten[Transpose[cg5[n1range, Rest@n2range], {1, 3, 2}], 1],
KroneckerProduct[(Rest@n2range), (n1max + 1) {1, 1}] + 1,
Flatten[Transpose[cg6[Rest@n1range, n2range], {1, 3, 2}], 1],
Transpose[{ConstantArray[1, n2max], Range[1 + (n1max + 1), 1 + (n1max + 1) n2max, (n1max + 1)]}]
]; // AbsoluteTiming // First
vals = Join[
Flatten[cf1[n1range, n2range] - im1 - im2],
Flatten[KroneckerProduct[r1 Most[n1range] + im1, ConstantArray[1., 1 + n2max]]],
Flatten[cf2[Rest@n1range, n2range]],
Flatten[ConstantArray[r2 Most[n2range] + im2, n1max + 1]],
Flatten[cf3[n1range, Rest@n2range]],
ConstantArray[-e, n2max],
ConstantArray[e, n2max (n2max + 1)],
ConstantArray[e, n2max]
]; // AbsoluteTiming // First
A = SparseArray[
pat -> vals, {(n1max + 1) (n2max + 1), (n1max + 1) (n2max + 1)},
0.]; // AbsoluteTiming // First
A == A0
You see:
The actual assembly (the call to SparseArray
) became 10 times faster.
The generation of vals
becomes 100 times faster.
Overall, the code is about 30 times faster.