
Can anyone help me? This is my code:

f[x_ ] = x Exp[I z]] (Cos[z]] BesselJ[l, a *x] - BesselY[l, a *x] Sin[z])

on the other hand hand:

s2 = ParametricNDSolve[{(a^2 - (l (l + 1))/x^2 + E^(-(x/b))/x) g[x] + g''[x] == 0, g[u] == 1, g'[u] == (l + 1)/u}, g, {x, u, v}, {a, b, l}]

In the above two equations a,b and l are free parameters. I want to find z for different values of these free parameters. I want to manipulate these three parameters and see how z behaves under their variations. This is my code:

NSolve[(v f'[v]/f[v]) - 1 == v ( (D[Evaluate[g[a, b, l][x] /. s2], x] /. x -> v) / Evaluate[g[a, b, l][v] /. s2]) - 1 && 0 <=  z <=  \[Pi] , z]

The first problem is that NSolve can not solve the parametric equation. I do not know what code I should use. The second problem is when I manipulate the parameters, nothing happens:

Manipulate[NSolve[(v \f'[v]/f[v]) - 1 ==  v ( (D[Evaluate[g[a, b, l][x]. s2], x] /. x -> v) / Evaluate[g[a, b, l][v] /. s2]) - 1 && 0 <=  z <=\[Pi] , z], {a, .001, 10, 0.00001}, {b,0.1,1000,0.00001}, {l, 0, 1000, 1}] 

Nothing happens. Or maybe the correct one is this code:

NSolve[Manipulate[(v \f'[v]/f[v]) - 1 ==  v ( (D[Evaluate[g[a, b, l][x]. s2], x] /. x -> v) / Evaluate[g[a, b, l][v] /. s2]) - 1, {a, .001, 10, 0.00001}, {b,0.1,1000,0.00001}, {l, 0, 1000, 1}] && 0 <=  z <=\[Pi] , z], 

Again, nothing happens. Thanks a lot.

  • $\begingroup$ Please correct f[x_] := x Exp[I z] (Cos[z] BesselJ[l, a*x] - BesselY[l, a*x] Sin[z]). NSolve can't evaluate because of undefined parameters a,b,l! $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 19, 2019 at 13:09

1 Answer 1


Try (f[x] modified)

f[x_] := x Exp[I z] (Cos[z]  BesselJ[l, a*x] - BesselY[l, a*x] Sin[z])
u = 0.1
v = 6

solution of the ode

G = ParametricNDSolveValue[{(a^2 - (l (l + 1))/x^2 + E^(-(x/b))/x) g[x] + g''[x] == 0, g[u] == 1, g'[u] == (l + 1)/u},g, {x, u, v}, {a, b, l}]

G[a,b,l][x] is the parametric solution.

If I understand your NSolveright you try to solve f[v]== G[a, b, l][v]

sol[a_?NumericQ, b_?NumericQ, l_?NumericQ] :=NSolve[{6 E^(I z) (BesselJ[l, 6 a] Cos[z] - BesselY[l, 6 a] Sin[z]) ==G[a, b, l][v], 0 <= z <= Pi}, z, Reals]
  • $\begingroup$ Thank you a lot. I want to solve f'[v]/f[v]==G'[a,b,l][v]/G[a,b,l][v]. This is the error I get when I want to find sol[1,2,1]: ParametricNDSolveValue::ndsv: Cannot find starting value for the variable g. $\endgroup$
    – Mehrdad
    Commented Jun 19, 2019 at 16:50
  • $\begingroup$ Please show your code! f'[v]/f[v]==G'[a,b,l][v]/G[a,b,l][v] is wrong, try f'[v]/f[v]==G[a,b,l]'[v]/G[a,b,l][v] instead. $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 19, 2019 at 19:42
  • $\begingroup$ I copied the above codes, everything is OK. But, when I want to test to see what will be z for different values of a, b and l, it does not give me the answer. This is the code: 'sol[a_?NumericQ, b_?NumericQ, l_?NumericQ] := NSolve[{f'[v]/f[v] == G[a, b, l]'[v]/G[a, b, l][v], 0 <= z <= Pi}, z]' . Now, I want to see what is z for a=1, b=2, l=1. I write this code f[1,2,1], but it does not give me any answe. $\endgroup$
    – Mehrdad
    Commented Jun 20, 2019 at 0:19

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