From clean kernel, when typing
result = Reduce[2 d^2 == -((2*(1 + d) + ((4 d^3)/(1 - d)))*(d - 1)),d]
Here what version 12 displays on the screen, compared to version 11.3
Compare to 11.3
I want 12 to display the result like 11.3 did. I know I can apply InputForm
to the result of 12 to make it display like 11.3, but I do not want to do this each time.
I tried to search options inspector, but not sure what to look for.
, of course.) The default output obfuscates the distinction between exact solutions with numerical approximations. While engineers and other "practical" folks may like the new behavior, I really see no good rationale, and a discrepancy the way even version 12 leaves other irrational quantities as exact expressions. $\endgroup$SetSystemOptions[ "TypesetOptions" -> "NumericalApproximationForms" -> False]
can be displayed more compactly like this, but I think the design could have been way better. I'd much prefer some kind of elidedTraditionalForm
polynomial and a number on the right. i.e. just take the original form and make it more compact. $\endgroup$