
Let's assume I created the following dataset:

Dataset[{<|"x" -> a1, "y" -> b1, "z" -> c1|>, <|"x" -> a2, "y" -> b2, 
   "z" -> c2|>, <|"x" -> a3, "y" -> b3, "z" -> c3|>}]

enter image description here

So if I have 3 list of parameters:

a = {a1, a2, a3};
b = {b1, b2, b3};
c = {c1, c2, c3};

How can I generate automatic Dataset using slots and pure functions without writing each association explicitly.

I have tried somthing like:

dataset = 
 Dataset[{<|"x" -> #1, "y" -> #2, "z" -> #3|> & @@ {a, b, c}}]

but the output is not what I wanted it to be:

enter image description here

Any ideas, or other solutions to create dataset from the given lists??


  • 1
    $\begingroup$ For such a small set you can do Dataset[AssociationThread[{"x", "y", "z"} -> #] & /@ Transpose[{a, b, c}]]. $\endgroup$ Jun 6, 2019 at 9:02

2 Answers 2


Try this:

Dataset@MapThread[<|"x" -> #1, "y" -> #2, "z" -> #3|> &, {a, b, c}]

This works too:

{"x", "y", "z"} -> {a, b, c} // Thread // Map[Thread] // Transpose // 
  Map[Association] // Dataset

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