I'm trying to figure out if a calculation result it's a valid result. As it return a matrix, I need to test that every element it's a number, so I thought this could work...
numericTable = Range[12] ~Partition ~ 4;
check=( NumberQ/@Flatten@numericTable) /.List->Sequence ;
This should return True
or False
depending if exist or not a non-numerical element in the matrix. But it returns
So I don't understand anything, because...
In[]:= Sequence[True,True,True,True,True,True,True,True,True,True,True,True]===check
Out[]= True
Out[]= True
Where's the catch ???
And @@ (NumberQ /@ Flatten@numericTable)
? $\endgroup$MatrixQ
as in the docs ? $\endgroup$