"Why did this circle change its contour when it moved?"
Options[ContourPlot, PerformanceGoal]
{PerformanceGoal :> $PerformanceGoal}
PerformanceGoal >> Properties & Relations
$PerformanceGoal is effectively ControlActive["Speed", "Quality"]
ControlActive >> Details
ControlActive can be used to switch between a faster computation to be done while controls like sliders are being moved, and a slower computation to be done once the controls are released.
To override the default setting for PerformanceGoal
add the option PerformanceGoal -> "Quality"
to ContourPlot
Row[{Manipulate[ContourPlot[x^2 + (y - a)^2 == 9, {x, -14, 14}, {y, -14, 14},
Axes -> True,
PlotLabel -> Row[{"$PerformanceGoal ->", $PerformanceGoal}]],
{a, -3, 3, 1}],
Manipulate[ContourPlot[x^2 + (y - a)^2 == 9, {x, -14, 14}, {y, -14, 14},
Axes -> True, PerformanceGoal -> "Quality",
PlotLabel -> Row[{"$PerformanceGoal ->", $PerformanceGoal}]],
{a, -3, 3, 1}]}]
"... draw $ax2+bx+c=0$ in the same plane"
Manipulate[Show[ContourPlot[x^2 + (y - a)^2 == 9, {x, -14, 14}, {y, -14, 14},
Frame -> False, PerformanceGoal -> "Quality"],
Plot[a x^2 + b x + c, {x, -10, 10}, PlotStyle -> Red,
PlotRange -> 10], Axes -> True],
{a, 1, 20, 1}, {b, 1, 20, 1}, {c, -10, 10, 1}]
Manipulate[ContourPlot[{x^2 + (y - a)^2 == 9}, {x, -14, 14}, {y, -14, 14}, Axes -> True], {a, -3, 3, 1}]