I am trying to fit a set of differential equations to experimental data, without luck so far. These are the data:
data={{0.630957, 0.00015356}, {0.794328, 0.000327116}, {1.,0.000696757}, {1.25893, 0.00148378}, {1.99526, 0.00671661}, {2.51189, 0.0142547}, {3.16228,0.0301237}, {3.98107, 0.0630841}, {6.30957,0.256021},{10., 0.738742}, {12.5893,0.942704}, {15.8489, 0.997739}, {19.9526, 0.999998}, {25.1189,1.}, {31.6228, 1.}};
First some functions are defined:
Gmax = 1*10^-4;
constG = 6.7*10^-3;
TGref = 60;
GRate[T_] := Gmax*Exp[-constG*(T - TGref)^2]
HeteroNuclDen[T_] := Nref*Exp[-constN*(T - TNref)]
Then, after reading the post How can I fit a differential equation to experimental data? I came to the following algorithm
Tiso = 20;
eq1 = Phi3'[t] == 8*Pi*(aNH*(Tiso + 273))*Exp[-(538/(Tiso - T0m))]*Exp[-(constNHom/((Tiso + 273)^4*(Tiso - T0m)^2))];
eq2 = Phi2'[t] == GRate[Tiso]*Phi3[t];
eq3 = Phi1'[t] == GRate[Tiso]*Phi2[t];
eq4 = Phi0'[t] == GRate[Tiso]*Phi1[t];
eq5 = xi'[t] == (1 - xi[t])*Phi0[t];
Clear[aNH, constNHom]
model[aNH_?NumberQ,constNHom_?NumberQ] := (model[aNH, constNHom] = Module[{Phi0, Phi1, Phi2, Phi3, xi, t},
NDSolveValue[{eq1, eq2, eq3, eq4, eq5,
Phi0[0] == 0, Phi1[0] == 0, Phi2[0] == 0,
Phi3[0] == 8*Pi*HeteroNuclDen[Tiso],
xi[0] == 0},
{Phi0[t], Phi1[t], Phi2[t], Phi3[t], xi[t]},
{t, 1, 100}]])
However, if I run
nlm = NonlinearModelFit[data, model[aNH, constNHom][t], {{aNH, 10^9}, {constNHom, 10^-10}}, t, Method -> {NMinimize, Method -> "DifferentialEvolution"}]
I get only errors.
intended? The system of odes shows a cascading structure with a very small factor2.209851823231375 10^-9
in each equation, which might cause underflow. Perhaps you could provide one ode inxi[t]
? $\endgroup$