Take a look at the following; my discrete points are chopped because of my choice of vertical plot range. If I increase that plot range to include my discrete points, I lose my "m" at the origin because the y-axis extends into the negative. I want both "complete points" and my "m". I tried preventing the y-axis from going negative and increasing the tick to tick label distance as describe in various SE posts, but was unsuccessful on both counts. (I was unable to use FrameMargins at the same time as specifying tick label names.) Best regards...
a = -6.13;
b = 6.13;
c = 0.0000001;
f[x_] := Abs[Sin[(π*(x - c))]/(π*(x - c))];
p = Table[{x, f[x]}, {x, -5, 5, 1}];
Show[Plot[f[x], {x, a, b}, PlotRange -> {{a, b}, {-0.0062, 1.1}},
Ticks -> {{{-1.0, "m-1"}, {-5.0, "m-5"}, {0.0, "m"}, {5.0,
"m+5"}, {1.0, "m+1"}}, {{1.0, "A "}}}],
DiscretePlot[f[x], {x, Floor[a], Floor[b], 1.0},
PlotStyle -> Darker[Red]]]
command for graphs and add the option to increase image resolution like:Export["~/Desktop/plot1.png", plot1, ImageResolution -> 300]
. That usually results in fairly crisp plots in my opinion. $\endgroup$