I am trying to do the following integral numerically,
$$\rho(\theta_{j},\phi_{j})=\int\frac{\sin{\theta_{i}} d\theta_{i} d\phi_{i}}{\sqrt{2+2[\cos(\theta_{i})\cos(\theta_{j})+\sin{\theta_{i}\sin{\theta_{j}\cos{(\phi_{i}-\phi_{j})]}}}}}$$
How do I do this in Mathematica? When I try, I get some error saying that the denominator becomes zeros. How do I avoid this issue of denominator becoming zeros?
Yes, the variables are on the surface of a sphere. The denominator is in fact dot product of two arbitrary vectors
$$\sqrt{2+2 \vec{d_{i}} . \vec{d_{j}}}$$
Here $\vec{d_{i}}$ and $\vec{d_{j}}$ are unit vectors on a sphere. The actual integral is
$$\int \frac{{d^{3}\vec{d_{i}}}}{\sqrt{2+2 \vec{d_{i}} . \vec{d_{j}}}}$$.
As those two vectors can be anywhere on the surface on the sphere, I wanted the integrand which is some
to be integrated over one of the vetor
$$\int f(\vec{d_{i}},\vec{d_{j}}) d^{3}\vec{d_{i}}$$
to get some function which is a function of $$g(\vec{d_{j}})$$
(divide by zero) error and have no trouble obtaining the correct result. Problems with code usually require the code to solve the problem. Please post your code. $\endgroup$