
How to match set-patterns against sets?

A set (in the mathematical sense) is a list of elements without repetition and order of elements does not matter. For example, we have a pattern set {3, 1} that should match sets {1, 3}, {1, 2, 3}, {1, 2, 3, 4} and so on. Note, that the list-length of the pattern is not relevant: any set that contains elements 3 and 1 should match the pattern. So far, this is simple subset testing - but there are two problems:

  1. Since order does matter for the patternmatcher, one has to write e.g. Cases[sets, {___, 3, ___, 1, ____}|{___, 1, ___, 3, ____}] which causes a combinatorial expansion for an increasing number of element-wise matches. Thus I used MemberQ instead of structural patterns.

  2. I would like to use more complicated patterns, like: "Find all sets that contain 1 and 3 but not 2!".

I have a working solution, but it is neither effective nor elegant in my opinion. It involves a Boolean description of the pattern (And to include all listed elements, Or to include any listed element, Not to exclude an element), but I am not sure it is the right way to do it. The function simply wraps each element that apperas in the pattern into MemberQ, so the Boolean expression translates to a logical combination of MemberQ and Not@MemberQ calls.

setCases[sets_List, patt_] := Module[{elem = Union @@ sets},
   Cases[sets, _?((patt /. x_ /; MemberQ[elem, x] :> MemberQ[#, x]) &), {1}]

Define a list of sets, and a list of patterns for testing:

sets = Subsets[{1, 2, 3, 4}];

patterns = {1, \[Not] 1, 1 \[And] \[Not] 2, 1 \[Or] \[Not] 2, 
   1 \[Or] 2 \[Or] 3, 1 \[And] 2 \[And] 3, 
   1 \[And] \[Not] 2 \[And] \[Not] 3, 1 \[Or] (2 \[And] \[Not] 3), 
   1 \[And] \[Not] (2 \[And] 3), 1 \[And] \[Not] (2 \[Or] 3), 
   1 \[And] \[Not] (2 \[Or] (3 \[And] \[Not] 4)),
   \[Not] 1 \[And] \[Not] 2 \[And] \[Not] 3 \[And] \[Not] 4}

Grid[{#, setCases[sets, #]} & /@ patterns, Alignment -> Left, 
 Background -> {None, {{LightGray, White}}}, Spacings -> {1, 1}] // TraditionalForm

Mathematica graphics

Let's examine one case closer, by displaying the ultimate pattern that is tested:

(1 \[Or] 2) \[And] \[Not] 3 /. x_Integer :> MemberQ[#, x]
(MemberQ[#1, 1] & || (MemberQ[#1, 2] &)) && ! (MemberQ[#1, 3] &)

As one can see, the function is far from being economic: alternatives could have been gathered under one MemberQ (MemberQ[#, 1]& || MemberQ[#, 2]& is equivalent to MemberQ[#, 1|2]&) and I think that Except should be used as well, though have no idea how. I am interested in robust, fast solutions.

Note: Do NOT try to simplify the logical patterns, as:

Simplify[And[1, 2]] ==> 2
Simplify[And[0, 1]] ==> False
  • $\begingroup$ @Leonid Actually, I've found a case where Mathematica uses a similar approach. Check the Details under TextSearch. It uses List for And, Alternatives for Or and Except for Not. According to PrintDefinitions spelunking, there is a full-blown query-set-algebra, check e.g. TextSearch^IndexSearch^PackagePrivate^compileQuery and ...^exec: QNot, QUnion, QIntersection, QComplement, QString are the specific functions. (backticks are replaced by ^) $\endgroup$ Commented Mar 9, 2016 at 21:23
  • $\begingroup$ Thanks for letting me know, @Istvan. I will definitely look it up. These things interest me a lot. $\endgroup$ Commented Mar 9, 2016 at 21:42

4 Answers 4


A main idea of a pattern-based solution

I don't know why we should make life so complicated, since you can always use things like Intersection and Complement to test whether a given set is a subset of another set. But if you want to use the pattern-matcher, here is one option:

SetAttributes[set, {Orderless, Flat, OneIdentity}];

setCasesLS[sets : {__List}, patt_] :=
   List @@@ Cases[set @@@ sets, patt];

Now, for example:

setCasesLS[sets, set[1,__]]

(*  {{1}, {1, 2}, {1, 3}, {1, 4}, {1, 2, 3}, {1, 2, 4}, {1, 3, 4}, {1, 2, 3, 4}}  *)

setCasesLS[sets,set[1,Except[2|set[3 ,Except[4]]]...]]

(* {{1},{1,3},{1,4},{1,3,4}}  *)

It may be an interesting sub-problem to to translate your specs into the patterns used here (involving Except etc), but at least conceptually this could be a valid starting point.

Pattern translator (a sketch, may contain errors)

Ok, it seems that I was able to write a pattern translator which translates your patterns into those which can be used with setCasesLS. But the code is long and ugly, and I would not be suprised if it won't work in more complicated cases. Anyway, here goes:

This is a set of preprocessing functions:

ClearAll[or, and, not];
SetAttributes[{or, and}, {Flat, OneIdentity}];
or[left : Except[_not] ..., x_not, y : Except[_not], rest___] :=
   or[left, y, x, rest];
and[left : Except[_not] ..., x_not, y : Except[_not], rest___] :=
   and[left, y, x, rest];
and[not[x_], not[y_]] /; FreeQ[{x, y}, _not] := not[or[x, y]];
not[not[x_]] := x;
not[and[x_, y_]] := or[not[x], not[y]];
and[left___, or[not[x_], y___], right___] :=
   or[and[left, not[x], right], and[left, y, right]];

process[expr_] :=  expr /. {And -> and, Not -> not, Or -> or}

Here is a pattern converter:

convert[HoldPattern[pattern[or[simple : Except[_not | _and] .., rest___]]]] :=
     set[Alternatives @@ simple, ___],
     Sequence @@ convert[pattern[or[rest]]]
convert[HoldPattern[pattern[or[args___]]]] :=
    Alternatives @@ 
          If[MatchQ[#, _not], set[convert[#]], convert[pattern[#]]] &, 
convert[HoldPattern[pattern[and[args : Except[_not] ..]]]] :=
   set @@ Append[Map[convert, {args}], ___];
convert[HoldPattern[pattern[and[args___]]]] :=
   set @@ Map[convert, {args}];
convert[HoldPattern[pattern[not[x_]]]] := Except[convert[pattern@x]];
convert[HoldPattern[not[x_]]] := Except[convert[x]] ...;
convert[HoldPattern[or[args___]]] := Alternatives[args];
convert[pattern[x_]] := set[x, ___];
convert[x_] := x;

and this is a main function to bring it all together:

fullConvert[patt_] :=
  With[{res = convert@pattern@process@patt},
     res /; FreeQ[res, not | and | or]
fullConvert[patt_] :=
  With[{res = convert@pattern@not@process@Not@patt},
     res /; FreeQ[res, not | and | or]
fullConvert[patt_] := $Failed;

If it does not succeed in converting a direct pattern, it attempts to convert a negated one. If that also fails, it returns $Failed.

Here is how this works on your patterns:


If you now execute

 setCasesLS[sets, fullConvert[#]]} & /@ patterns

you get the results identical to yours.

I actually think that I am missing some simplificatins which would make the above code shorter, more general and more robust at the same time, but the current solution still seems interesting enough to post it.

  • $\begingroup$ You know how it is... After 3 days of intensive brainstorming you close in on the core of your problem. And that is the point where you won't see the wood from the tree. $\endgroup$ Commented Feb 16, 2013 at 18:13
  • $\begingroup$ To answer your Q about the complicatedness of life in general: in my case I refrained to use Union, Intersection and Complement because I inject the sets later into placeholders which are not sets themselves, thus functions like Union must be hold. Instead of holding, I went the other way. $\endgroup$ Commented Feb 16, 2013 at 18:19
  • $\begingroup$ @IstvánZachar Actually, I changed my mind after reading the question more carefully, for more complex patterns of the type you ask for we may benefit from something else than Complement and Intersection - such as pattern-matcher. Working on an automatic translator from your patterns to the ones I use here... $\endgroup$ Commented Feb 16, 2013 at 18:24
  • 2
    $\begingroup$ Ha! The late addition Simplify was the problem: apparently, Simplify[And[1,2]] simplifies to 2. I didn't know that 0/1 booleans are handled this way! $\endgroup$ Commented Feb 16, 2013 at 18:42
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ @IstvánZachar I analyzed the current setup and came to a conclusion that your pattern language is ambiguous because it is underspecified. What you need is to introduce two new quantors: exists and for all. Then, your logical operators such as Not or Identity will be applied to these. Then, there will be no ambiguities left. $\endgroup$ Commented Feb 16, 2013 at 19:13

This is just to give set the proper attributes and make it simplify double ___ and __

set[a___, Verbatim[___], Verbatim[___] .., b___] := set[a, ___, b];
set[a___, Verbatim[__], Verbatim[__] .., Verbatim[___] ..., b___] := 
  set[a, __, b];
SetAttributes[set, {Orderless, Flat, OneIdentity}];

The patterns will be a boolean function of subset[el1, el2, el3...], with the possibility of mixing patterns, so Except[subset[1,2]] would represent any subset that is not subset[1,2], and subset[1, 3, _] would represent any subset with 1, 3, and any other element.

forms = {"DNF", "CNF",  "AND", "OR"};

  type : (Alternatives @@ forms | Automatic) : Automatic] := 
 With[{pat = BooleanMinimize[patt, type]}, 
  Internal`InheritedBlock[{And, Or}, SetAttributes[{And, Or}, Orderless]; 
   ClearAttributes[{And, Or}, Flat]; And[patt] //. convertionRules]]

convertionRules = {
   And[a___, b : (\[Not] _) .. // Longest] :> 
    Except[Alternatives[b]~Thread~Not // First, And[a]],
   And[a_subset, b__subset, rest___ // Shortest] :> 
    And[set @@ 
      Append[List @@@ Unevaluated@leastCommonElements[a, b], ___], 
   (subset | And)[a___] :> set[a, ___], Or -> Alternatives,
   Not -> Except,
   Verbatim[Alternatives][a_] :> a};

(*Thanks @rm-rf*)
leastCommonElements[lists___List] := 
 Join @@ Composition[Last, Sort] /@ 
   GatherBy[Join @@ Gather /@ {lists}, First]

So given

patterns = {1, \[Not] 1, 1 \[And] \[Not] 2, 1 \[Or] \[Not] 2, 
  1 \[Or] 2 \[Or] 3, 1 \[And] 2 \[And] 3, 
  1 \[And] \[Not] 2 \[And] \[Not] 3, 1 \[Or] (2 \[And] \[Not] 3), 
  1 \[And] \[Not] (2 \[And] 3), 1 \[And] \[Not] (2 \[Or] 3), 
  1 \[And] \[Not] (2 \[Or] (3 \[And] \[Not] 4)), \[Not] 
    1 \[And] \[Not] 2 \[And] \[Not] 3 \[And] \[Not] 4}

sets = Subsets[Range[6]];

To translate your patterns to our form we just need to wrap the integers in subset, if I understood correctly

newPatterns = patterns /. i_Integer :> subset[i]

Now, we can see the patterns converted

Table[{patterns, convertPattern[#, form] & /@ (newPatterns)}\[Transpose] // 
  TableForm , {form, forms}]

Finally, we can test it

Cases[set @@@ sets, convertPattern[#]]&/@newPatterns/.set->List//Column
  • $\begingroup$ Looks like I won't have time to look at this today, but I will surely do as soon as I have time, and +1 in advance :) $\endgroup$ Commented Feb 17, 2013 at 16:32
  • $\begingroup$ I just realized you hit 20k without me saying anything: congratulations! $\endgroup$
    – Mr.Wizard
    Commented Feb 17, 2013 at 19:28
  • $\begingroup$ @Mr.Wizard thanks :), now go get the 50k $\endgroup$
    – Rojo
    Commented Feb 17, 2013 at 19:34

This solution is in the same spirit as your approach:

findSets[list_, all_, any_, none_] := Block[{set},
    SetAttributes[set, {Flat, Orderless}];
    Select[set @@@ list, 
            !FreeQ[s, set @@ all] &&
            Or @@ (! FreeQ[s, set@#] & /@ any /. {} -> True) &&        
            And @@ (FreeQ[s, set@#] & /@ none)
   ] /. set -> List

Use an empty set if you're not specifying anything. You can also use default values of {} or convert the arguments to options such as Any -> {1,2}, All -> {3}, None -> {4} if that's easier to read. Here's an example usage:

l = Subsets[{1, 2, 3, 4}];
findSets[l, {2}, {3}, {}]
(* {{2, 3}, {1, 2, 3}, {2, 3, 4}, {1, 2, 3, 4}} *)

findSets[l, {1, 2}, {}, {4}]
(* {{1, 2}, {1, 2, 3}} *)

findSets[l, {1}, {2, 4}, {3}]
(* {{1, 2}, {1, 4}, {1, 2, 4}} *)


Using the first four patterns ({1, ¬ 1, 1 ∧ ¬ 2, 1 ∨ ¬ 2} ) from Istvan's table:

Pick[sets, MatchQ[{OrderlessPatternSequence[___, 1, ___]}] /@ sets]

{{1}, {1, 2}, {1, 3}, {1, 4}, {1, 2, 3}, {1, 2, 4}, {1, 3, 4}, {1, 2, 3, 4}}

Pick[sets, MatchQ[Except@{OrderlessPatternSequence[___, 1, ___]}] /@ sets]

{{}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {2, 3}, {2, 4}, {3, 4}, {2, 3, 4}}

Pick[sets, MatchQ[Except[{OrderlessPatternSequence[___, 2, ___]},
    {OrderlessPatternSequence[___, 1, ___]}]] /@ sets]

{{1}, {1, 3}, {1, 4}, {1, 3, 4}}

Pick[sets, MatchQ[Except[{OrderlessPatternSequence[___,  2, ___]}] | 
  {OrderlessPatternSequence[___, 1, ___]}] /@ sets]

{{}, {1}, {3}, {4}, {1, 2}, {1, 3}, {1, 4}, {3, 4}, {1, 2, 3}, {1, 2, 4}, {1, 3, 4}, {1, 2, 3, 4}}


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