I have found some software that allows me to "data mine" the values from publication figures. I have a bunch of contours from papers that I've mined using this software, and am having some trouble plotting the points with the Joined command.
Unfortunately, the downloaded points are sorted by increasing x values, which makes the plotting of Gaussian-esque contours very difficult. I've searched around the forums and haven't found anyone mentioning this problem.
Here's an example on a very small, simpler distribution (note my other sets are much larger so brute force definitely won't work.)
data={{62.0774, 0.598737}, {62.2377, 0.619119}, {62.4048,
0.580509}, {62.5466, 0.637818}, {62.9276, 0.654518}, {62.9668,
0.566973}, {63.3095, 0.671261}, {63.8137, 0.688518}, {63.8913,
0.565805}, {64.4067, 0.703821}, {64.8157, 0.568541}, {65.1005,
0.718671}, {65.7401, 0.573603}, {65.9282, 0.732056}, {66.6646,
0.580678}, {66.7973, 0.743456}, {67.6058, 0.589303}, {67.7571,
0.755602}, {68.5512, 0.599853}, {68.6815, 0.761419}, {69.4,
0.614478}, {69.6059, 0.76384}, {70.1679, 0.631668}, {70.5117,
0.759937}, {70.5514, 0.759266}, {70.7216, 0.649606}, {71.3609,
0.666955}, {71.3764, 0.751005}, {71.7909, 0.736308}, {71.8078,
0.687055}, {71.947, 0.702022}, {72.0491, 0.717738}}
Using ListPlot
gives me this:
While using ListLinePlot
gives me this
because the points are ordered with increasing x-value.
So, is there any way to either join the points by nearest neighbor, or re-order the list such that the joined command will give me a neat line? This seems like a traveling-salesman type problem, which could quickly get slow as I increase the number of points too much.
but it is not perfect $\endgroup$